Friday, December 20, 2019

Five on Friday

Well - here we are. It's the final weekend before Christmas is upon us! The month of December always seems to fly by but I feel like with Thanksgiving being so late, this December has really passed in an absolute blur! So, without further ado - the final Five on Friday before Christmas!

Image result for five on friday holiday"

One. Gnome Painting - Tonight I'm meeting up with my friend Katie to do a gnome painting and I'm pretty excited! We'd been planning to get together tonight to have dinner and just have some Christmas merriment together but then I stumbled on the opportunity to paint these gnomes and we decided to add this into the mix!

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I've been loving all the little Christmas gnomes that I see everywhere this holiday season and I figured that I could paint myself a little gnome that would look good in my home all season long! Plus, I'll be doing it with one of my besties - so it's a win all around! We are grabbing a quick supper at the local Brewery before walking up the street to paint - I can't wait! 

Two. The Maryland Symphony Orchestra - My younger sister is coming home for Christmas on Saturday and we'll likely be staying close to home on Saturday evening. Sunday morning after church, we'll go grab lunch and then scoot over to Hagerstown, MD for the symphony's Christmas concert!

Image result for maryland symphony orchestra home for the holidays"

We attended a performance at the Maryland Theatre last year that the symphony put on and it was excellent - I'm sure this one will be no different. I'm looking forward to seeing the show and enjoying the music!

Three. Christmas Vacation - I'm not actually talking about the movie... although I did attend a movie party last night at the Alamo and had a grand time! I'm talking about the joy of knowing when I leave work today at 3:00 - I'm off until December 30th! Hallelujah!

Image result for christmas vacation words"

I ended up with a couple vacation days left on the year - so with the boss giving us the 24-26 off, I was able to take Monday and Friday as well and give myself nine days of no work for Christmas! Let the vacation commence! 

Four. The Rise of Skywalker - No spoilers please! Normally I'd be in line to see the newest Star Wars film the night it opened (tonight) but since we've seen the other films in the trilogy as a sort of a family Christmas event, we'll be doing that again this year!

Image result for rise of skywalker"

We're actually going to see the movie on Monday night, so I'll be avoiding spoilers like the plague until then - but I can't wait to see how they wrap up the Skywalker Saga!

Five. Office Party - We had our office party today and it's always an awesome time! It certainly helps that my office is made up of myself and two of my closest friends... and our boss, who is out of town until January 5th! We all brought sweets and savories to share and exchanged gifts with one another.

I got so many amazing things from my friends this year - I can't wait to hang that Watson look-alike picture on the wall above his crate! And all the amazing buffalo check items will look amazing in my kitchen/living room! I'm burning that divine Evergreen candle and soon enough I'll fill that mug (it says "I'd rather stay at Hogwarts for Christmas") with coffee and the Mickey Mouse cookie jar with sweets! Oh yeah - my friend Meridith MADE that amazing Hot Cocoa tray - it's epic!


Well guys - that's it for this edition of Five on Friday! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I'll be popping back in from time to time next week but might not be quite as regular. Perhaps I'll just do photo dumps... only time will tell! Y'all enjoy the season! 

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