Tuesday, January 22, 2019

It's Not Monday

I suppose I say that mostly because I'm glad it's not Monday - it's always nice to have a four day work week as opposed to a five day work week, right? I decided to consolidate all my pictures from the weekend into just one or two combined pictures... because I honestly didn't get up to too much this weekend. I thought I'd first share a little picture of the gorgeous lake near our house, all peaceful and surrounded by snow...

The snow has just stubbornly stuck around and Thursday after work some additional flurries added to the already packed snow - Watson was not so much a fan; I'm sure he's tired of hopping along the frozen tundra each time he goes out to walk. He's pretty much over it - but I can't say I blame him.

We were able to leave work on Friday around 3:00; my friend Danielle (who is also a co-worker) and I had plans to see the sing-along version of Bohemian Rhapsody at 7:15, so we passed the time by perusing some shops (Kirkland's, Old Navy, Ross, Bath & Body Works, Home Goods...) before heading over to the Alamo Drafthouse around 6:15. We grabbed drinks and sat out front sipping on our drinks and talking before heading into the theater - I got some kind of delicious cream sickle goodness and I could have drank about five - but I refrained and just got one!

We headed into the theater around 7:00 and they had a bucket of mustaches to choose from for the sing-along; you have to look like Freddie to sing like Freddie, I suppose. We had dinner and sang along to all the Queen songs as the words lit up on screen - when We Will Rock You came on, everyone did the "stomp stomp clap" and during the Live Aid performance, everyone clapped along to Radio Ga-Ga and repeated Freddie as he called out to the crowd. It was definitely a fun experience!

Saturday it was supposed to do some combination of rain/sleet/snow but as the day progressed, nothing much really happened... so after coffee, exercise and some lunch, I decided to go see Mary Queen of Scots at the theater (it was just okay). When I came out of the theater, it was sleeting and so I scooted my way home - but all that really happened the rest of the evening was a lot of rain. I used leftover pulled pork to make some delicious pulled pork chili for supper and then watched The Queen at 90 - it was a very chill day and night, obviously. 

I woke up early on Sunday morning with a headache and took something...but in spite of my best efforts, by the time I'd gotten ready, had my coffee and gone to church, the headache had not gone away and I ended up sitting in the foyer halfway through church in hopes of making the pounding subside. We grabbed pizza on the way home, I hastily ate some and swallowed more pills before lying in the dark of my living room... After a while, my head stopped hurting and I was able to watch Outlander and the Saints football game...

Image result for saints pass interference gif

That's a pass interference - what's more, it's a helmet to helmet pass interference that was not called. My Saints were ripped off big time and now we have to watch the Rams play the stinking Patriots in the Super Bowl. I say that - I won't actually be watching because I'm tired of the Patriots being in the Super Bowl. Blegh. What good are referees? After that disappointment, I took a nice bubble bath, had dinner and watched the new episode of Victoria before reading in bed for a while.

Monday was basically a free day - and thank goodness because after all the rain on Saturday night and wind all day on Sunday, Monday dawned a brisk 7 degrees and while the temperature eventually rose to 14, it still felt like -2 with the wind chill...and trust me, there was plenty of wind! I had lunch at TGIFriday's with my Dad and grabbed some grocery items at Wal-Mart before piddling away the afternoon with exercise, watching This Is Us, Mr. Robot and finishing the season of The Great British Baking Show that I'd been watching. My Dad made brunswick stew for dinner, I took a nice long shower and read for a while before closing out the long weekend with the newest episode of Home Town. 

It wasn't exactly a riveting weekend - but it was a good weekend and happily, another weekend is only three work days away! 

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