It's the last day of January! Usually I'd comment on where the time went, but honestly - January always seem so long to me! I don't feel like I'm alone in that either, what with all the memes I've seen elaborating and bemoaning how January lasts for 74 days...ha-ha!

Books I Read
Educated by Tara Westover - This book was absolutely engrossing! Tara Westover was raised in Idaho by self-sufficient parents, did not have a birth certificate until she was nine and didn't attend school until the age of 17. Tara spent her days working in her father's junkyard, injuries big and small were "cured" by her mother's essential oils and she had a "run for the hills" bag packed so that when the federal government came to take her family away, they could make a break for it. She taught herself using hand me down text books, managed to score a 28 on the ACT and enter BYU to gain an education... and would eventually go on to earn a Gates Scholarship to Cambridge University, a Harvard fellowship and her doctorate degree from Cambridge. Her story is engrossing, at times astounding and all around an excellent read!
Am I There Yet: The Loop-de-Loop, Zigzagging Journey to Adulthood by Mari Andrews - This book was a quick read, unique and touching with the author's drawings and personal essays throughout. The book is a short eight chapters and touches on multiple aspects of "adulthood" and navigating the pitfalls and poignant moments along the way. This book was heartwarming and fun to read with bits of inspiration sprinkled in along the way!
One Day in December by Josie Silver - I thoroughly enjoyed this book you guys; it was romantic comedy style story that I honestly can't believe hasn't been green lit to be made into a movie! The story begins shortly before Christmas of 2009 and unfolds over the next 9 years following the lives of the two main characters; Laurie and Jack, who spy one another at the bus day in December. The story is sweet, amusing, touching and just downright enjoyable!
Is This the Real Life: The Untold Story of Freddie Mercury & Queen by Mark Blake - This book outlines the life Freddie Mercury and Queen from their humble beginnings in small towns around the U.K and Zanzibar... did y'all know that Freddie Mercury was born in Zanzibar? The book charts the band's earliest beginnings, the hits that first made them a household name, the chart topping frenzy of Bohemian Rhapsody and sadly, the eventual death of lead singer Freddie. The book was fascinating and engrossing and I thoroughly enjoyed it! If you're a Queen fan, check it out!
Make Something Good Today by Ben & Erin Napier - I'm not 100% through this one! I started reading Ben & Erin's book way back in November and just got derailed from reading completely! The warmth and genuine sweet spirit that Ben & Erin bring to their TV show is perfectly translated into their book and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I can't wait to finish it up as February starts!
Books on the Shelf
The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer
I read so much this month guys! Granted; I had plenty of good things to read, ha-ha! The book listed above is the only one left from the books I bought at the end of the year, so I'll need new suggestions! Hopefully I can keep up my pace with the reading!
Must See TV
Home Town - First of all, how cute are Ben & Erin Napier? They're cute enough that I can forgive them for being Ole Miss fans and just absolutely love this sweet show about revitalizing the small town of Laurel, Mississippi. I went to college in Hattiesburg, Mississippi - which is about thirty minutes from Laurel and I fully remember the town as a bit of a hole in the wall, but Ben & Erin have completely changed the town and I love that. I also love that when I go to Mississippi in March for my cousin's wedding, I'll be making a little day trip to Laurel to check it all out!

Outlander - Oh man, the final four episodes of Outlander were just packed full of...well just everything! The final episode of December had Jamie Fraser finally meeting his daughter Brianna and from there, the action just unrolled throughout the final four episodes with life in colonial North Carolina, an unexpected pregnancy, a case of mistaken identity, a quest to rescue a son-in-law from the Mohawks... and so much more! I did find the finale to be a bit lackluster, but I still dearly love Outlander and will miss having it on my TV for the next several months. *sigh* Droughtlander has begun...

Movies of the Month
Aquaman - This movie is technically a rollover from the end of 2018; I went to see this on New Year's Eve and so it just missed making my December post! Y'all...what an odd ride this movie was... The movie was two and a half hours of brilliant colors, explosions and grand battle sequences and plenty of moments of wondering what exactly I was watching. I have to say that I was certainly entertained but at times it seemed like the movie was trying to be seven different things at once. I'd say check this one out only if you're looking to be entertained but not much more... because it's a doozy.

Instant Family - Oh man, this movie was so touching...even more so because it's based on a true story. The movie follows a family who decide to foster a child, ends up taking in three siblings and after some comedic moments and tough situations, the five become a family. The movie shines a light on the foster care system while still providing laughs along the way and this film was really heart warming. It may or may not have caused me to shed a few tears!

Bohemian Rhapsody: The Sing-Along - I think this one is pretty self-explanatory; it's the awesome movie about Queen...but you get to sing along to all the songs! The words lit up across the bottom of the screen and everyone in the theater sang along...and clapped along...and of course, did the stomp, stomp, clap required during We Will Rock You! It was really cool to sing along with a ton of people in a theater... a little like a concert... but wait, that's not happening until July... ;)

Mary Queen of Scots - I really wanted to like this... I'm fascinated by all things related to Scottish history (it's my people, y'all...) and I also love all things Tudor England and while the movie was fine, it didn't just wow me. I loved Saoirse Ronan's portrayal of Mary, Queen of Scots but the story was only mildly interesting and - I'm sorry guys - I'm so sorry, but they attempted to make the movie politically correct and you cannot make both a historically accurate movie about 1500's England and Scotland while also casting in a politically correct manner. *sigh*

Bodyguard - I cannot recommend this show enough y'all! It's only six episodes but they are packed with intrigue, tension, excellent performances and I confess I literally watched all six episodes in about 26 hours - eek! The story follows British police officer David Budd who is hired to serve as the bodyguard of the Home Secretary Julia Montague; a woman who's political beliefs are in direct opposition with David's own. I cannot stress enough how amazing this show was - if you have six and a half hours to spare, catch this on Netflix! You won't regret it!

Mr. Robot - I'm almost completely caught up and ready for the fourth (and final) season of Mr. Robot and while I've enjoyed the crazy, mind-bending plot as it unfolded across seasons two and three, I will say that I think the first season has been my favorite thus far. Rami Malek and Christian Slater are the characters that anchor this show and both do an incredible does the supporting cast and the show does a good job of making you think. I can't wait to see how the series as whole wraps up and I've loved catching this on Amazon Prime.

Tunes & Talks
I've spent most of the month listening to Queen - let's be honest - it's almost all I've been listening to since November, ha-ha! I've been listening to the soundtrack from the film, The Platinum Collection Greatest Hits I, II & III and Queen: Live at Wembley Stadium in a gigantic shuffling playlist. I've also been listening to the podcasts Outlandercast, the Popcast with Knox & Jamie and the Koffee Klatch Mr. Robot Review podcast... and honestly, a lot of my time in the car was devoted to audio books via Audible!
Tasty Treats
I rang in the New Year with some Blanc de Bleu sparkling blueberry wine; it was divine and perfect for ringing in 2019! It's made in California; the state of my birth! I got crafty early in the month and made Funfetti Cake Pops to share with my women's Bible study - they were a hit! We were lucky enough to get snow about halfway through the month and we made some delightful snow cream - so very tasty!
I picked up some of my very favorite macarons when we popped over to McLean midway through the month and I enjoyed the most divine Orange Creamsickle cocktail made with Rum before seeing the sing-along version of Bohemian Rhapsody! I used leftover pulled pork to make some divine chili and my Mom shared some wonderful cherry cupcakes a friend made for her - they are 100% tasty!
I honestly cannot tell you what I'm looking forward to in February y'all - but I don't know that it's a sad thing. I think that's just the way Winter works, you know? Once the holiday season passes, it seems like life completely slows to a crawl and there isn't much going on except snow, reading books and watching movies. So - who knows what February 2019 will have in store? We shall see!