Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Weekend Business

It's Tuesday and I am just now getting around to posting about the past weekend. I have next to no pictures from the weekend - even though I did plenty! I don't know what inspires me to take pictures some weekends and not take a single snap on other weekends - but I did put together the six that I could find that had something to do with the weekend, ha-ha!

Friday at work my sweet friends Danielle and Meridith brought balloons and presents and we had breakfast from Firefly Cafe to celebrate my impending birthday! I got some wonderful gifts, including the awesome Dia de Las Muertes mug I'm holding, an Outlander charm bracelet and of course, my balloons - which included a Disney princess balloon - because I may be 34 but inside I'm 5! After a Target run after work, I went home and watched Sleepy Hollow, had some pizza for supper and just relaxed the evening away - it was a nice way to spend a Friday night after what seemed like a long week!

Happy Birthday to Me - love this mug!

Saturday morning after having coffee and opening presents while face timing my parents, I headed out to the Alamo (the Drafthouse, not the "Remember the") to meet up with Danielle and Meridith to see A Star is Born...which I loved! So much! After having lunch and cookies while watching the movie, Meridith and I headed to the nail salon together and I got a gel manicure and we chatted...as girls do. I headed home and passed the rest of the afternoon and evening with my pup, watching the third season of The Man in the High Castle.

Sunday morning after coffee and church, I met up with my friends Katie and Joshua for lunch at Los Potrillos - a local Mexican restaurant and we had lunch and caught up. I did a Wal-Mart run and let me tell you... Wal-Mart on a Sunday afternoon is like no man's land - it's a wild and lawless place and I grabbed the items I needed and made the run for home as quickly as I could. I passed the afternoon with more The Man in the High Castle, enjoying the sunshine outside and generally just being lazy - isn't that sort of what Sunday is for?


Honestly - that's all she (me) wrote for the past weekend. It was full but not too full and a lovely way to spend a weekend. Adios for now!

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