And I had every intention of blogging on Monday as well - but here we are on Tuesday and I'm finally getting around to this post! I took a pretty large break from posting; almost a full week, so I thought I'd just share some pictures from the past week of spending time with family, eating delicious food and getting things all ready for Christmas!

Monday and Tuesday were a bit of a whirlwind at work - it was so nice to come in each day and have time to spend with my entire family and Watson and I even enjoyed sitting beside the Christmas tree(s) that were spring up all over the house!

Wednesday morning the intern that works at our office brought bagels and cream cheese for everyone - I think that was the most carb-loaded breakfast I've had in ages - and I only ate half! Our office was only open until 12:00 on Wednesday; it was lovely but it made for a hectic morning, I feel like I did more in the 3.5 hours on Wednesday morning than I do in a full day! Ha-ha!

We perused Home Goods and of course; they had a million and one things that I could have purchased in a heartbeat, however tis the season to buy things for people that are not ME - so I refrained. We went home long enough to spend a little time with my pup and pick up my Dad before heading back out to catch a late afternoon showing of The Man Who Invented Christmas - excellent movie!

We were successful (technically Lindsey, I was just the driver) and returned home with the goods. The baking resumed, the night wore on and suddenly - it was Thursday and Thanksgiving was upon us once again! I slept in (not too late) and sipped my coffee the way I love to; I even got in some exercise to try and combat the extra large meal that I knew would be coming up later in the afternoon.
Most of the good were easy to cook - my Mom threw together her absolutely divine sweet potato casserole and we decorated the Christmas tree in the office while waiting for our late afternoon lunch. We also made sure to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade because; well, tradition...

Around 5:30 I committed to going along on a venture that I will not be a part of in years to come: I went to Wal-Mart at 5:55 on Thanksgiving. What was I thinking?

You couldn't even approach the registers - you had to be placed in a line that wove it's way through the flannel pajamas and women's underwear before finally emerging inside the yellow caution tape wrapped around the entire check out area of the store. As we waited in line, a woman who was clearly in a rush to get something of utmost importance jammed her shopping cart into my back...and when I turned to look at her, she just shoved past me and kept going.
Only in America do we try to knock people out of the way to get to sale items...literally hours after we were meant to be thankful for all we have. But - we must knock people out of the way to get MORE. Oh yea - we went to Wal-Mart at 6:00 on Thanksgiving for groceries. What in the world were we thinking?

We had lunch at McAlister's and went home to finish up some decorating and have delicious burgers on the grill for supper. We all did some house organizing and straightening ahead of the Saturday morning party and after dinner we watched Avatar; my parents have never seen it and with a visit to Disney coming up in less than six weeks, we figured it was a must watch.

After all the party dealings were cleaned up and put away, we headed over to Tyson's Corner to peruse some shops for the afternoon... I've lived in NoVa for almost four years now and this was the first time I've ever set foot in Tyson's! It was both impressive and overwhelming at the same time - but I think I want to go back another day and just wander and take it all in...

As you can see from the above picture, Watson was pretty sad when we returned home without her. She'll be back in three weeks pup - fear not!

Later in the afternoon I headed over to the Alamo to meet up with my friend Jennie and her son Jimmy to catch Justice League - I went in to the movie with a lot of trepidation and low expectations; I was crazy surprised how much I enjoyed the movie! Then again, I do love Superman...and Wonder Woman was excellent, so I wasn't a hard sell.

Sunday evening was all about leftovers and being lazy...the perfect end to the four day weekend. The time off always seems like it doesn't last nearly long enough, but Christmas vacation is only weeks away and then...Disney World!

I leave you with a picture of Watson doing his very best to weasel some leftovers from everyone at the table on Sunday night. Little stinker - rest assured, he definitely got some!
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