Friday, October 6, 2017

Thirty-Three I'm not sure how thirty-three years have gone by so fast, but here I am at the start of another year. In honor of another year of life, I thought I'd share thirty-three things about myself...

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  1. I have a degree in Anthropology with a minor in Forensic Science
  2. I work in Wealth I'm not using that degree one lick...*sigh*
  3. I have 0 chill when it comes to certain TV shows - I'm definitely guilty of watching leaked Game of Thrones episodes and I've seen every episode of Game of Thrones more than once...
  4. I bought my first pack of baseball cards a week ago...
  5. I don't really care for pie - unless it's cherry; then I'm all over it!
  6. I swore I'd never be one of those people that sold stuff through Facebook and then I fell in love with Perfectly Posh and became a consultant. I'm one of "those people" now and I love it! You can love it too at
  7. My favorite Disney movie is Beauty & the Beast...
  8. I saw the live action remake of Beauty & the Beast EIGHT times in theaters and I'm not even remotely ashamed to admit that. Love that movie.
  9. Christmas is my favorite holiday and I've been known to put up my Christmas tree in mid-November...
  10. I should say TREES...because I have more than one...ha-ha!
  11. I changed my eating habits and started exercising in March; as of this week I've lost 25 pounds and gone down 2 sizes!
  12. I won the spelling bee twice in middle school and tend to be a bit of a freak when it comes to grammar - but I swear I forget how to spell the simplest things all the time and I fear my grammar skills are slipping...eek!
  13. I hate math with a passion. I'm not good at anything involving numbers - including my own finances. *sigh*
  14. I am far more socially active as a thirty-something than I ever was in college...
  15. I didn't drink until I was well over twenty-one and I've never been drunk in my life; I never saw the point; but more so, I have control issues and could never put myself in a position where I wasn't in control of myself.
  16. I have yet to find a red wine I like...I'm a white wine person all the way and if that makes me basic, so be it.
  17. Quality time and gifts are my love languages. I want your time and your money, ha-ha! Honestly though - I think my family can attest to the fact that quality time is #1; I feel like I say "just talk to me" ALL the time!
  18. I drink two cups of coffee every morning. Hot coffee, two cups...every morning. And I think people who don't like drinking hot coffee in the summer are nuts.
  19. I didn't drink coffee until my Junior year of college - there was a Starbucks in the library on campus (Southern Miss - to the top!) and I developed an addiction...
  20. My younger sister is my best friend
  21. I may or may not listen to Christmas music in October when my iPhone shuffles to a Christmas song. Again - no judging!
  22. I was born in California, grew up in Mississippi and I now live in Virginia. I like to say that I've slowly made my way from the West coast to the East coast...
  23. If you'd have told me seven years ago that as a thirty-something I'd be living in Northern Virginia, have a DC Metro card in my purse and still be single...I'd have looked at you like you were nuts.
  24. I also would have thought you were nuts if you'd have told me I'd know what things like fWAR, WHiP, ERA, K and BB meant...because those are all baseball terms and I didn't care a lick about baseball until three years ago.
  25. I have over thirty Washington Nationals t-shirts. At last count... And that doesn't include hoodies/sweatshirts.
  26. I listen to instrumental/classical music far more than I listen to any other type of music.
  27. My favorite season is Autumn...I feel like being born smack in the middle of Autumn probably plays a part in that...
  28. I always made fun of people who put their dogs in clothes...and then I got my dog and he has multiple articles of clothing.
  29. I started a real estate course yesterday - as in, the last day of being 32 - I've always been interested in houses and I decided to take the plunge and move my life in a new direction with a new year of life.
  30. I prefer vanilla cake to chocolate...and I prefer vanilla ice cream to chocolate.
  31. Driving in snow is still slightly terrifying to me. It's a learning curve...
  32. Going to the movies is one of my favorite things.
  33. Coming up with thirty-three things about myself was harder than I thought it would be...whatever shall I do next year?
And - that's all for this year. I'll be back with Five on Friday next week; I've got to go continue celebrating my birthday!

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