It's Halloween and so I thought I'd do a spooky little Q&A on this creepy holiday!

- Favorite Horror or Halloween-themed song - Thriller! Nothing better than that!
- Name something you wouldn't want to run into in a dark forest or in an abandoned building - I wouldn't want to run into anything or anyone in a dark forest or abandoned building...that's why I generally avoid dark forests and abandoned buildings...ha-ha!
- Favorite Halloween movie - It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
- Favorite Horror Monster or Villain - Dracula!
- If you were dared to spend the night in a "haunted house", would you do it - Never in a million years...I mean; at least, not by myself. I don't know...
- Do you ever see figures in your peripheral vision - Sure...don't we all?
- Do you prefer thrillers or gore - Thrillers...I don't do all that blood and guts
- Do you get scared easily - Oh yes. I'm a pretty big doesn't take much to freak me out!
- Have you ever played Bloody Mary - Only once and I won't do it again because it creeped me out!
- If you could only wear one Halloween costume for the rest of your life, what would it be - Hmmm...something comfortable but timeless...I'm not sure...
- Would you ever go to a graveyard at night - No, I don't think I would...
- In a zombie apocalypse, what is your weapon of choice - I feel like a bow & arrow would be the best option..or some kind of gun. A knife really requires you to be much too close...
- Would you rather go to a Halloween party or trick-or-treating - Can't I just do both?
- You're in a Horror movie...are you the last one alive, the first to die, the comic relief, the skeptic, the smart one or the killer - As much as I'd like to be the last one alive, I'd probably be the comic relief and I'd end up dead well before the movie ended...
- Do you have to watch something sweet after watching something scary - Not normally...I just go to bed; it's not usually that big of a deal.
- Favorite scary movie - Crimson Peak
- Favorite scary book - The Ruins
- How old were you when you saw your first horror movie - Well into my teenage years; no one in my family is really that interested in horror movies and so I think I probably watched Scream at a sleepover when I was in high school...
- First Halloween costume - My first Halloween I was only three weeks apparently I went as myself; ha-ha! My first actual costume was a little clown and I won first place in the costume contest & made the front page of the paper!
- What are you going to be for Halloween this year - Cersei Lannister

Happy Halloween Y'all!