Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Weekend Recap - I'm Back


Remember a couple months ago when I lost my mind a little bit and jumped ship back to my old blog? Well...I'm losing my mind a little bit more and coming back to roost here. I hesitated because perhaps I shouldn't really jump around so much, but then again - it's my blog...and you're just reading it...right?

I've long been doing recaps and I've tried to put an entire week's worth into a post - but I have realized that I honestly; on a week to week basis, don't actually do very much during the week! Essentially, the case could be made that some weekends I don't do very much either - but oh well. So - from here on out, I'll share my wonderful weekend adventures and if anything out of the ordinary happens during the week - I'll likely include it!
Like these gorgeous pictures from last week - Tuesday night in particular. The weather over the past week has been pretty typical Summer fare; really warm and humid days that build to extravagant thunderstorms in the afternoon and evening, on repeat each and every day! Tuesday evening the clouds put on a show as a storm was moving through and I snapped picture after picture while sitting on the deck and watching the clouds and lightning flash color and blaze across the sky!

Friday was a rocky day at the office - nothing worth worrying over and honestly; not because of anything involving me, just a long and crazy day! When I got home from work on Friday, I really didn't want to do much more than be a complete bum - and so that's what I did! I watched a couple episodes of The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, read a bit and just passed some time lying on the deck. A complete bum - loved every minute.

Saturday I wasn't even able to do one of my favorite things - sleep late! However I did sip my beloved coffee before crushing an hour on the elliptical; it was nice to be done with exercise before 11:00 AM! I did a little wrestling with the outdoor furniture cover in the midst of a downpour, watched a couple episodes of The Iron Fist and got ready to go out for the afternoon.
Saturday evening I went to the movies to see The Big Sick - I'll elaborate on this movie in a later post, but if you thought about going to see this...definitely do. It's such a good movie, hilarious, heartfelt and entertaining - go see it! I had dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse and then ended up literally sleeping the rest of the evening on and off trying to get rid of a headache - not exactly riveting stuff, I know.


Sunday afternoon...after church...I did something I haven't done in ages; I took a Sunday afternoon nap! My Mom and I spent some time making homemade (and fairly healthy) peanut butter cups; my Mom is currently doing the Arbonne Thirty Day Cleanse and with Chocolate Protein Shake Mix, Almond Butter and Coconut Oil we made a pretty tasty little treat. We just combined 1/4 cup melted coconut oil with 2 scoops of Arbonne protein powder, layered the mixture into muffin tins and put in the freezer for five minutes, then topped the frozen chocolate with almond butter and more of the coconut oil and chocolate mixture.

I have to say - they were seriously tasty - and I suppose they're fairly healthy too! I whiled away the afternoon cleaning up my living room/bathroom/etc...poking around the neighborhood with Watson, reading and watching some TV. After dinner and a visit with some friends and their drone (which Watson was absolutely terrified of), I settled in for the second episode of season seven of Game of Thrones and then hit the sack!


So - that's it for this edition of the Weekend Recap and my reentry into this blog hosting portal! Until next time - thanks for stopping by!

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