Oh my gracious. It is seriously November?!? What is going on? There are only two months left of 2016 and I cannot even wrap my head around that. "They" say time flies when you're having fun and so I must be having a blast because this year has absolutely flown by so far...and something tells me it won't slow down with the whirlwind of Thanksgiving and Christmas revelry!
Books I Read
Hollow City by Ransom Riggs - This is the second book in the Peculiar Children series and follows the further adventures of Jacob Portman, Emma Bloom and the rest of Miss Peregrine's "children" as they go in search of their missing headmistress and encounter along the way new peculiars, wights, hollows and plenty of peril and danger to make them second guess themselves and their abilities...which leads to...
Library of Souls by Ransom Riggs - This is the third and final book in the Peculiar Children series and has Jacob and Emma venturing to the heart of a so-called "punishment loop" to rescue their friends and headmistress from the Wights and stop them from putting a world(s) ending plan into play. I found this book; somehow moreso than the first two, to be written so well that I was deeply entrenched in the vividly described surroundings that Jacob and Emma find themselves in.
Books in the Queue
Gray Mountain by John Grisham - This is the November book for the book club my Mom and I have decided to join; I don't know much about this book, but my Mom has read and loved most everything by John Grisham...so I suppose we shall see.
The Magnolia Story by Chip & Joanna Gaines - Chip and Joanna Gaines are probably two of my favorite people that I've never met and when I saw they were putting out a book, I pre-ordered it...I'm talking, way back in February! It arrived a couple weeks ago and so I can't wait to read it - something tells me I'll fly through it!
Can't Miss Movies
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children - I originally wasn't that interested in seeing this...but then I read the book and enjoyed it so much, I made my way to the theater to check it out! I thought the movie was really well cast and of course Tim Burton is the perfect person to take on a tale like this. However, the movie was very much different from the book and so; for me, the book wins out in this scenario!
The Girl on the Train - Another book I read and really loved...so off to the movies I went! I have to say; this book very closely paralleled the book, the only huge change was the setting: they moved the story from London to New York, which I wasn't so fond of. I enjoyed the movie but the thing that stood out the most to me in this movie was hands down Emily Blunt's performance - she was amazing! I really liked watching the movie and she easily carried the film with her stellar acting. So good!
Must See TV
Westworld - I'm going to paraphrase here...because otherwise this show might sound slightly insane, ha-ha... As another day of fantasy plays out in Westworld - a vast, remote park where guests pay top dollar to share wild West adventures with android "hosts" - top programmer Bernard Lowe alerts park founder Dr. Robert Ford about incidents of aberrant behavior cropping up in some recently re-coded hosts. Meanwhile in the Westworld town of Sweetwater, rancher's daughter Dolores encounters a gunslinger named Teddy in the street but their predictable narrative is upended by the arrival of a ruthless Man in Black and, later, by supporting host's unscripted encounter with the outside world. In other words: what happens when AI begins to have memories...and think for itself?

This Is Us - If you aren't watching this...well you should be! This is hands down one of the best new shows (if not the best) of this TV season and my Mom, my sister and I all absolutely love it. The story follows the lives of Jack, Rebecca, Kate, Kevin and Randall and explores relationships and the interesting way(s) peoples stories intersect. That's really all I can say without giving away too much...but this is definitely worth binging to catch up on if you haven't started watching it yet!

Timeless - What if someone created a working time machine and set out to go back in time and alter some of the United States most pivotal moments in history? That's the premise of this show and Lucy (a historian), Wyatt (a soldier) and Rufus (a scientist) are charged with following the time machine thief back in time to stop him from altering America's history as we know it. Changing the past can have dire implications for the future and so far the story has taken our "heroes" back to the crash of the Hindenburg, the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the creation of the Atomic bomb...just to name a few. The true mystery though - who (or what) is Rittenhouse and why do they want to change America's history?

American Horror Story - I know...I know...what in the world am I doing watching this? I was coaxed into watching by my co-workers and got sucked in! The sixth season of the show follows Matt and Shelby; being profiled on a documentary style ghost story show: My Roanoke Nightmare. The couple buy a lovely (um...not how I'd describe it...) old farmhouse in North Carolina and as soon as they move in, the horrors begin. After escaping the spirits haunting the house and the horror of it's surrounding land, the couple are lured back by the TV crew to film a follow up special...and of course, more terror unfolds. Personally - I think if you escaped a haunted house and you willingly go back...you deserve whatever you get.

Poldark - The continuing saga of Captain Ross, his wife Demelza and their family... I'm only a couple episodes into this season and still have one yet to catch up on...but I will say; I need Ross to wake up and realize how splendid Demelza is and stop making eyes at his cousin's wife, Elizabeth. Poor Ross is always in debt up to his eyeballs and trying to find some way out, while helping his poor tenants along the way. Hopefully before season two ends, Ross and Demelza will find some sort of financial stability? And maybe...just maybe someone can push George Warleggan off a cliff? Too much to ask?
Tasty Treats
Birthday Cake - My birthday cake was so yummy! It was a delicious ice cream cake (my very favorite) and it was shaped like a baseball! I don't know if it gets much better than that!
Everything in Vegas - No...I'm serious. I don't know that I ate anything in Vegas that wasn't delicious! Macaroons from the Venetian, mouth-watering tomato soup and grilled cheese from the Venetian's room service, delectable Cinnabun pancakes at Babycakes, supper at Yardbird including: Blackberry Bourbon Lemonade, fried chicken and baked macaroni and cheese...*sigh*. Delicious breakfast...but especially delicious if it was from Bouchon and of course; gelato!
Chicken and Broccoli Pasta - I made this for the first time last week and I'm so pleased to report it was not a Pintrest fail! I'll share the recipe in the coming week or so...but it was so easy and so delicious!
What I'm Looking Forward To
The Election - Being OVER! Enough said!
Movies - Yes! I love going to the movies and there are some movies coming out this month that I cannot wait to see! I'm especially looking forward to seeing Dr. Strange, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and of course, Disney's newest offering, Moana! I already have my ticket for Dr. Strange...I'll be seeing in the day it comes out! Can't wait!
Thanksgiving - Turkey and Sweet Potato Casserole and well...I'm not sure what else. I most look forward to eating those two things, ha-ha! My family will be split in half this year for Thanksgiving; my Dad and I on the East coast and my Mom and sister on the West coast! That means I've got to bring it in the kitchen...eeek!
The Christmas Season - It's almost here! The most wonderful time of the year! I am counting the days and trying to decide how soon is too soon to start decorating... I confess, I have on many occasions put up my tree long before Thanksgiving arrived. And I might do it again this year. Who knows? I just love...love...LOVE everything about Christmas: the songs, the parties, the food, the time with people, the potential for snow, watching White Christmas with my family, I could go on and on.... I just love it all!
So - that's October in a nutshell! Bring on the holiday season - I cannot wait!