Books I Read
Finding Fraser by KC Dyer - I must say; I absolutely enjoyed this book! I bought it on impulse and I'm so glad I did. The story follows a single thirty-something (sound familiar) who quits her job, sells everything she owns and heads to Scotland in search of her very own Jamie Fraser. Jamie Fraser being one of the main characters in the Outlander series. Naturally hi-jinks ensue, but her journey is filled with plenty of laughs and heart-warming moments and I'm so very glad I decided to give this book a chance!
Harry Potter & the Cursed Child by J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne & John Tiffany - I am a bonafide Harry Potter nerd - I even have a wand - so to say I was thrilled when this arrived in the mail would be an understatement. I tore through this book in 48 hours and really loved it. Some of the twists were a lot more unexpected than I thought but all in all...an excellent continuation of Harry Potter's story. And if you've read it - can you believe the trolley witch?!? Yikes!
The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins - I'm a little late to reading this book...but I loved it! It hooked me pretty quickly and I was guessing right up until the end as to whodunit! The story telling and pacing reminded me a bit of Gone Girl..another book (and movie) I loved so much. Rachel is such an interesting character and following her through all her pitfalls, turmoil and honestly...really terrible decisions...the book was fascinating! And I cannot wait to see the movie!
Books in the Queue
The Taliban Shuffle: Strange Days in Afghanistan & Pakistan by Kim Barker - This is the book that inspired the movie Whiskey Tango Foxtrot; which was both hilarious and dramatic at the same time, so of course I wanted to read the book. I've started it...but since I'm only one chapter in...I figured it better hang out on the queue...
And I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to read next. I have nothing on the agenda and no idea what I want to read. So - if you have any suggestions, I'll take them!
Can't Miss Television
Nationals Baseball - Summer television is in full swing and I honestly can't say that I've been watching a ton of "traditional" TV...however, when my Nationals are on TV, I'm definitely watching that! August has been a fairly good month for the Nationals; they've stumbled here and there, but they still have a nine game lead (as of 8/31/16) in the Nationals League East and Tanner Roark and Max Scherzer are pitching some excellent ballgames. I can't wait to see September unfold...and I'm looking forward to some October baseball too - AKA playoff baseball!
Nothing to do with this past month of baseball...it just cracks me up... |
Tiny House Big Living - I guess I have been watching this show pretty frequently. I am absolutely intrigued and amazed at how small people are going with houses...but I have to admit that the idea intrigues me! I am so aware of all the "crap" I own and I definitely feel like weeding out things would be so nice...especially if you HAD to...you know? Granted; I could never live in 250 square feet, but I like to think I could do just fine in around 800... Only time will tell, ha-ha. *wink*
Isn't this the cutest tiny house?!? |
Movies I Watched
Star Trek:Beyond - The only movie I saw this past month at the theater...and I quite liked it! My friend Danielle and I grabbed dinner and then caught the evening showing of the movie. I'll level and say that I know nothing about the "original" Star Trek but I love the most recent reincarnations of the series and I've thoroughly enjoyed all the movies! This one was no different and the 2+ hours I spent watching Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scottie and the rest of the crew passed in the blink of an eye! The only thing it was missing? Benedict Cumberbatch as Khan...ha-ha! I'm kidding.......sort of....
The Outlander Soundtrack - I've been on a pretty big Outlander kick this past month; re-watching the series (remember - no good Summer TV...) and so I've found myself listening to the soundtrack while I drive from place to place and as I'm sitting at my desk at work. I am one of those people who actually like hearing bagpipes and the melodies of the music make me dream about a trip to Scotland one day...
The Big Boo Cast - While not music, this is the other thing I most find myself listening to. This is the podcast that Sophie Hudson and Melanie Shankle (Boo Mama and Big Mama...as it were...) do together and each and every one leaves me tickled and wanting more. They have such sweet Southern sensibilities and honestly they have touched on something more than once that really resonates with me: they both love the Lord fiercely but have realized they will never be those soft spoken and quiet women who extol Biblical wisdom in dulcet tones. And you know what - I don't think I ever will be either! Ha-ha!
Yummy in My Tummy
Burrata Mozzarella Ravioli and Fried Mozzarella Balls - All this mozzarella goodness happened at Fiorella Italian Kitchen at National Harbor and well...it was delicious and good and delightful! I love Italian food and this was some delicious Italian food! I'd love another bowl of the ravioli...perhaps...right now!
More please. |
Buffalo Sugar Cookie - A mid-game snack from Fluffy Thoughts; the bakery that supplies Nationals Park! The cookie was tasty; not to sweet but just right, and perfect to munch on during the seventh inning stretch! Plus - it looks like a buffalo in a baseball cap!
This buffalo roamed....right into my mouth! |
What I'm Looking Forward To
My Best Friend is Coming to Visit - And by best friend...I mean my little sister! She's journeying home to Virginia for Labor Day weekend and I can't wait to spend time with her! In fact, by the time you read this...she will be here and we will no doubt be having a delightful time!
I hope she's just as excited to be coming to visit! |
Moving - Okay...so maybe I'm not looking forward to the actual process of moving...but I'm looking forward to what comes after! I'm one of those nutty people that love to unbox, arrange and organize all my things in a new space. So I guess what I really can't wait for is the unboxing after the move...ha!

A Spa Day - Indeed you read that correctly! About mid-month I'll be having a spa day with my sweet Mom and I couldn't be more thrilled. A nice massage, facial and pedicure will certainly be amazing and I cannot wait! Relaxation here I come!

Nationals Baseball - While (at least at the time of this post) I won't be headed to the ball park for the entire month of September (cue deep sobbing...I know...I have a problem) I will most certainly be cheering my Nationals on from home. We're playing for the post season and I can't wait to see how September unfolds!
Autumn - I mean...hello...of course I'm looking forward to Autumn! Cooler weather! Bold colors! Sipping coffee in the chilly breeze! Scarves! Boots! My birthday! Halloween! Leaves changing colors! A fire in the fireplace! I mean...I could go on and on...but basically...the last four months of the year are always my favorite and September and Autumn start that all off!
*sigh* |
And there you have it! August in a nutshell! Summer is wrapping up and hopefully the cooler weather is on it's way. I; for one, say bring on the scarves, cool weather and pumpkin spice everything!
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