My family usually jokes about needing to have a vacation to recover from vacation - we don't necessarily vacation like other people! I'm looking back over last week and thinking that it almost functioned as that. Granted, there was still the job from 8:30-5 and all that it involves, but it doesn't look like I did much more than that. I was a complete bum - on more than one front!
Watson investigating the seashells I brought back from California... |
We arrived back in Virginia bright and early Monday morning after taking the red eye from LAX and I promptly fell asleep! Well, let me back track...I loved and snuggled and petted my sweet pup and took him walking all over the yard...and then I fell asleep! I knew I wanted to get back to the normal routine pretty quickly but I also knew I was NOT making it all day without some sort of intervention! Getting on a plane in the dark, right around bed time and then waking up just a couple hours later to see the sun coming up will do a number on your system! After a short nap and some time spent unpacking, my Mom and I went to grab a late lunch and decided rather last minute to walk right up the sidewalk and get a pedicure before grabbing groceries! It was easily the most awesome choice of the the day - my nail polish was looking a bit ragged after strolling Disney Land and beaches all week in California! And let me tell you, there is nothing so delightful as sleeping in your own bed after being gone!
The pedicure where I discovered my favorite color of all time! |
Frankenstein's wound.... |
The week in and of itself was mostly uneventful - at least for the part of the family that is in Virginia. Tuesday evening my Mom and I were finishing up
The Night Manager when my phone rang and my little sister's voice; holding back tears, said "don't freak out...but I'm in the car headed to the emergency room because I cut my arm with some scissors..." Cue the freak out!
My younger sister had been taking down an antenna in her back yard, which was secured (quite tightly) with twist ties. Once she cut the last tie, the antenna began to fall forward and she threw her left arm up to catch it, slicing her arm open in the process! Her (unknown until now) next door neighbor heard her cry of "I need help", bandaged her up and took her to the ER where she was joined by her Sunday School teachers. A couple hours and eleven stitches later, she was home again with quite the story to tell! Talk about freak accident, am I right or what? Child proof scissors for her from now on I think....
Making sure he doesn't miss anything... |
Working is hard... |
Watson was able to go to work with me on Wednesday; my boss was on vacation and so we like to have office visitors from time to time, Wednesday was Watson's lucky day! He loves car rides and especially loves all the attention and spoiling he gets from my co-workers, so he was obviously in heaven the whole day! It was also extremely draining because I managed to snap a photo of him absolutely crashed later on Wednesday night! Who knew going to work from 8:30 - 5 could make one so tired??
Thursday and Friday seem like they passed in a blur - maybe that's why I don't have any pictures? I don't know? I know I didn't do much more on Thursday night than walk and watch some TV, ha-ha! I got off work early on Friday and being the sweet daughter that I am (hehehe) I took my parents out to dinner! In a continuation of the week's theme of being a bum...I'm pretty sure I was asleep on Friday night before eleven! Hey - it is what it is!
Saturday morning...nap? Yep - he's asleep in this picture... |
Saturday morning was delightfully Saturday mornings should be...but so often are not. I sipped my coffee and scrolled through newsfeeds...and then I took the dog outside and realized that the outdoor plans I had for later in the day were going to be DE-LIGHT-FUL because where had all the humidity come from?? Where?? The temperature said it was 84 but it felt like it was 184 (maybe I'm exaggerating just a tad...maybe...) and I was meeting a friend at 1 to go to an outdoor arts and crafts festival! Blegh.
Blazing warm weather aside - the Occuquan Arts and Crafts Festival was pretty amazing! There were something like 300 vendors lining the streets with everything from jewelry, dog accessories, candles, soaps, wood carvings, home decor, sports memorabilia and even old time soda pop...just to name a few! Can you guess what drew me in and convinced me to spend money? If you guessed soda pop, sports memorabilia and dog accessories...well then you are correct! I'm a mixed bag folks and the things in my bag were mixed, to be sure!
I stumbled on a Washington Nationals collar for Watson almost immediately and wasted no time snatching one of those up! I know what you're thinking - I honestly can't believe Watson didn't have a Nationals collar before now. Well, I can't either but I've righted that horrendous wrong and all is right with the world now! Breathe easy! I also found a vendor selling sports memorabilia and discovered they had the Max Scherzer No-Hitter Bobblehead that I missed out on while we were in California...I wasn't too concerned about missing it...since hello...the trade-off was California, but I figured I'd grab it since I already have tickets for the game that features the second Scherzer No-Hitter Bobble... Now I'll have the set!
The soda pop was the real deal of the day though - it was
Wild Bill's Olde Fashioned Soda Pop - I bought a 32 ounce mug for $12 and could then come back by their truck all the day long and fill up my mug with any and all of the seven flavors of soda that they offered! The better part of this offer is that they do events such as this all the time and as long as you have a mug, you just pay $5 and drink up! The Vintage Vanilla Cream was hands down my favorite but the Outlaw Orange Cream and the Black Cherry (which isn't on the website...) were also delicious!
California leftovers...yum... |
Sunday was fairly relaxed. I was feeling less than stellar on Sunday morning and so I stayed home from church and ended up cleaning up/out my dresser drawers. What fun! I have been anxiously awaiting the release of Me Before You ever since I saw the first preview way back in January and even more so once I read the book! I (along with my sister) convinced my Mom to read it and she was on board too, so we headed out to the movies on Sunday afternoon...with a surprise tag-along in the form of my Dad! The movie was wonderful - so perfectly cast! We enjoyed (sort of) some Mexican for supper and then headed home to prepare for the week ahead.
And now - it's Monday once more! It's funny how those tend to happen ever seven day, right? I guess I'm fairly "recovered" from my vacation...recovered enough that I'd love to hop on a plane and go right back out to California and just lie on the beach in the sunshine!
My vacation may be over but my recaps aren't quite...I'll get back to those tomorrow! Until then, have a lovely afternoon!
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