Everyone sing along with me now.... "Let's do the Time Warp again..." I mean, haven't you seen Rocky Horror Picture Show? Don't you know all the words? The dance moves? When to throw your toast?
Battling the Empire with the help of Yoda... |
I suppose I'll love the little stinker...even if he is a bad guy.... |
Lost in the corn maze perhaps? |
The Capitol Columns at the US National Arboretum |
So happy to call Virginia home & so happy to call Katie my friend! |
The gorgeous Autumn colors in Shenandoah National Park. |
This Year: Wow, October was just like September and I was all over the place! The month was supposed to start in DC but actually ended there (sort of) and I was also surprised with a birthday tea with my sweet friends. I celebrated not only my birthday but Jimmy's, scoured the pumpkin patch with Danielle and Meridith to find the perfect carving pumpkin, introduced Katie to DC and rounded out the month taking in the fall colors in the national park. Tired yet? Whew!
Am I really already 30??? |
Gorgeous gingko trees at the VA Arboretum. |
Happy Halloween from Rocket Raccoon, a pumpkin & Merida...& of course, me! |
The pumpkin/frog just couldn't hang with the rest of us party animals! |
One Year Ago: October of last year seems like such a short time ago! I rang in my 30th birthday with close friends and some candle help from Jimmy and Emily. The Arboretum offered some truly gorgeous fall colors to take in, which was nice since the mountains didn't have much color to offer...some years are great, others are not. The month ended with Trunk or Treat at the church with a cast of wild characters.
The last year of the 20's... |
Apple picking at Marker Miller Orchard...this picture makes me miss my long hair... |
Air Force vs. Navy at Annapolis |
Posing with my pumpkin on my porch! |
The homecoming dance(r) & her big "sister". |
Two Years Ago: My last October in Mississippi...and to think, I had no clue how much my life would change in my 29th year! I celebrated my 29th with an impromptu trip to Virginia for a long weekend where we celebrated, picked apples at the nearby farmer's market and (tried) to cheer Air Force to a victory over Navy in Annapolis. In Mississippi I carved myself a fine jack o'lantern and helped my "little sister" McKenna get all fixed up for her homecoming dance!
A birthday weekend with friends! |
Celebrating turning 28 with some good food & good friends. |
Jack Skellington - I thought I did pretty well. |
A pirate with her treasure cave...ha-ha. |
Three Years Ago: Wow...this seems like ages ago and somehow it seems like it was just yesterday! I turned 28 and celebrated with a weekend in Jackson with my friends, who treated me to all kinds of wonderful things! I really got involved with my pumpkin carving and made myself a Jack Skellington that I was quite proud of and at the end of the month I hastily threw together a "pirate's cave" for the churches Trunk or Treat and handed out candy to all the little goblins and ghouls!
One of the most amazing cakes I've ever had... |
The first pumpkin at my first home! |
My sweet little bee who buzzed around our "garden" all night long. |
Four Years Ago: I turned 27...and that seems so young now, ha-ha! My Mom was still living in Mississippi and it was my first Halloween in my new home, so I made sure to decorate things up good and creepy! We carved pumpkins together to decorate my sweet little porch and I couldn't have been more proud! We turned my Mom's trunk into a garden for Trunk or Treat and let Watson buzz all around the garden and greet the kiddos!
Happy 26th Birthday - wow. |
Acting silly with Kristen & Bart...I think we were excited about Smallville, ha-ha! |
An afternoon at the Clinton Old Town Market with friends. |
Having brunch with friends in Clinton. |
Five Years Ago: I'm realizing now that I seem to have spent a lot of time in Clinton, ha-ha! I guess you go where your friends are, right? 26 was the last birthday I would celebrate in our house (little tear) before our lives all changed and we moved (one at a time) to Virginia. The only pictures I managed to find from October of this year were from a weekend I spent in Clinton with friends...which involved watching Smallville, shopping at the Old Town Clinton Market and having brunch with friends on Sunday!
The big 2-5 with a cake from C'est La Vie |
A family reunion picture with Jodi & Riley, the only cousins that attended that year. |
Cheering on Southern Miss with Kayla & Stephanie...& a photo bomber... |
Lisa, Stephanie & I smiling at the game. |
Kristen & I pre-game! |
Six Years Ago: Man, the time I spent in college generates quite a few pictures! I celebrated the big 2-5 with a delicious cake from C'est La Vie, an authentic French bakery right up the street from my apartment in Hattiesburg - it was divine! The rest of the month was filled with cheering on the Eagles at football games with friends and spending time with family at our annual reunion!
A very creepy start to October in Hattiesburg. |
Birthday cupcakes! |
24th Birthday Dinner with Megan, Dee, Melissa, Kristen & Lisa! |
Cheering for the Eagles at The Rock! |
One of the littlest Eagle fans cheering along with me. |
About to turn this pumpkin into a masterpiece! |
Blending in with the locals in New Orleans! |
Seven Years Ago: 24 seems like such a long time ago...and yet sometimes it seems like just yesterday! I had a wonderful 24th birthday celebration; I remember coming home from eating out with a group of friends to discover another group of friends (how lucky am I to be able to mention I had two groups of friends?!?) had decorated the whole house! My family even came into town for the day to celebrate with me! I did other fun things throughout October, carving pumpkins with my roomie Kristen, cheering on the USM Eagles to victory and spending the day in NOLA with Dee!
How am I already 23? |
Celebrating with these sweet grandparents - boy do I miss them. |
I'm sure my Nanny would be thrilled to know her picture is on the internet, ha-ha! |
A little celebration with friends - blowing out those candles! |
Kristen & Megan - two people I spent a lot of time with while at USM. |
The Watson grandchildren and great-grandchild. |
I'm pretty sure this was one of the first Eagles games I ever went to... |
Catching the breeze at the air show.... |
Eight Years Ago: As I mentioned, the college years really yielded so many pictures...I can't believe it! I turned 23 my first semester at USM and I celebrated at home with both family and friends. The rest of the month was spent the way any good Autumn is...watching football with friends, spending time with family and ending the month on a high note - an air show with the Thunderbirds in New Orleans!
Nickolee & I posing with Bully pre-game. |
A one time hang out with new friends... |
Nine Years Ago: I can't find hardly any pictures from my time at MSU; perhaps I didn't take many because it was a somewhat low point in my life? I know, I just took things down a notch...I'm sorry. I spent a semester nine years ago at MSU and ultimately decided it just wasn't the place for me. I turned 22 that year and I can't find any pictures from the celebration...so who knows?
Am I seriously 21 already? |
Loving on my cousin's baby before an MSU game... |
Alumni cheering on the Knights at a West Lauderdale football game. |
Ten Years Ago: I was just an innocent little twenty-one year old who couldn't even imagine what life had in store for me. I celebrated my birthday at home, with friends and family...I was attending community college at the time so I was supporting MSU on the weekends with weekend trips to Starkville to cheer on the Bulldogs and ever so often I would spend my Friday nights at my old high school cheering on the Knights.
The Big 20...finally out of my teens. |
Trick or Treat from the Summerlins! |
Eleven Years Ago: I'm getting pretty far back here...I feel old even saying I turned twenty eleven years ago! Where has the time gone? I couldn't find much from this year; I was living at home and attending community college and of course, representing for MSU on the weekends. Sounds a lot like twenty-one did, huh? Ha-ha!
Twelve Years Ago: I've got nothing, ha-ha!
One of the coolest cakes ever... |
The good ol deer in the headlights look, ha! |
Thirteen Years Ago: Wow...eighteen years old. I was still in high school. I'll go ahead and be honest; I don't remember much of what I was up to when I was eighteen besides going to school (high school...wow) and hanging out with my best friend Nickolee on the weekends. I do remember that I thoroughly enjoyed my Senior year, so it must have been a good time in my life, ha-ha!
I'm fairly certain we thought we were really cool.... |
Something must have been funny.... |
Cleopatra...yea! |
Fourteen Years Ago: And this is as far back as I could go...almost half my life, backtracked in pictures. I don't remember much about my 17th birthday besides celebrating with friends at the house and having an awesome cake...but I do remember the Halloween party I went to at my friend Dee's house. I remember it well because I absolutely LOVED my costume and I'm pretty sure I thought I was awesome, ha-ha!
So - I warped it back to fourteen years ago. Who knows, maybe one of these months I'll take it all the way back?
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