We now return to our regularly scheduled (at least for approximately 3 months out of the year) recap of Game of Thrones!
The Starks: Wax On, Wax Off Edition - The interior of the House of Black and White is appropriately murky; the walls lit with candlelight and the faces of the many deities that the people of Westeros (and Essos) worship...and in the midst of it all? Arya...sweeping. Arya isn't really into the constant sweeping and wants to know when she will learn to do more? After being attacked by the waif-like girl assisting around the House, Arya is told she cannot possibly learn to become "No One" if she's hanging on to Arya Stark's possessions.
We are treated a cleaned-up Arya tossing her old clothes, her money and even the coin that Jaqen gave her; the coin that got her to Braavos, they all go into the canals of Braavos...but her sword, her Needle... Arya can't part with Needle and so she conceals it in a nearby rock wall. Once she's completed those tasks, she is admitted through yet another door - her new task is now...washing a corpse! The corpse of a man she only a bit earlier saw drink from the pool in the middle of the room. She wonders aloud what they'll do to the corpse when they finish washing him but isn't rewarded with an answer, so she keeps on sponging.
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"No one" comes to Braavos to sweep... |
Only two of these three are pleased - take a wild guess who's not happy... |
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Oh Tommen - you are NOT smooth. |
The Lannisters always pay their debts...and that includes pay back for snide comments...
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I *almost* feel sorry for Cersei...almost. |
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Sansa - this is when you should start running. |
The Night's Watch has no place for a man who is coward. It also has no place for a man who won't follow his Lord Commander's requests. Janos Slynt is both of these things and as he lays over the block, he confesses he's a coward - he's afraid and he's always been afraid - but he'll do whatever Jon commands him to do. Jon has no room for mercy; he has to take a stand, to make sure no one else will question his order, he swiftly and succinctly separates Janos' head from his body.
Ain't nobody got time for this... |
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This is what happens when you make drunk decisions... |
We were introduced to Dorne last week and just as quickly left it behind this week...no sign of Prince Doran, Ellaria, Areo Hotah or the Sand Snakes this week..
There was also no sign of Daenerys, her dragons, Daario and the rest of the crew in Meereen. The Jaime and Bronn Sass and Swagger Road Trip was also put on hold this week (sad but true) but I'm sure they'll be to Dorne in no time. We didn't see Shireen or Selyse Baratheon, Melisandre didn't set anyone on fire nor did we check in on Gilly and see how her reading lessons are coming along.
Brienne and Pod shared stories on the road this week - Brienne told of how Renly rescued her from humiliation when they were teenagers and Pod explained how he came to be in the service of the Lannisters after Tywin spared him from hanging. Brienne promised to teach Pod to ride a horse correctly and fight like a true knight and they agreed to keep trailing Sansa because they have a feeling she's going to need help in the coming weeks.
Jon got the nod of approval from Stannis after beheading Janos Slynt. I don't know if I'd necessarily seek the approval of Stannis Baratheon, but hey...at least someone thought it was a good idea, right?
Littlefinger got called back to the Capital by Cersei - so now Sansa is left to face the might of the Boltons on her own. Also, Littlefinger says he's not heard much about Ramsey but I'm not buying that for a minute... Surely a man who so carefully executes his every move wouldn't put one of the most valuable pieces of the game into the hands of someone he knows nothing about? Wait? Is that exactly what just happenend? Hmmm...
Qyburn is cooking up something crazy in his lab. Could the theories about a Frankenstein's monster style resurrection for The Mountain be a reality?
Qyburn is cooking up something crazy in his lab. Could the theories about a Frankenstein's monster style resurrection for The Mountain be a reality?
What the.... |
Until next time...just calm down FrankenGregor...calm down...