January - often a fairly dull month. Certainly this January was no exception; there were plenty of days filled with dreary, drizzly and misty stretches that went on and on. Not to mention more snow in the span of one month than I've probably seen in my previous thirty years combined. Ha! No matter where you live, January is pretty much a dreary month...which is why it's perfect for reading lots of books, seeing lots of movies and just doing a whole lot of nothing, ha-ha!
Books I Read
Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography - Listen, I am a die-hard NPH fan and when I saw that he was releasing an autobiography, I knew I would have to snap it up...so when I was strolling through Target sipping my Starbucks and I saw it on the shelf, I grabbed it. Now I'll admit I was never one of those kids that liked the choose your own adventure books and I wasn't thrilled with the layout of this book; I like people to tell me the story...I don't want to have to choose, ha-ha! Having said that, it was an easy read with plenty of laughs but what I really enjoyed most were the parts about his time on How I Met Your Mother and what he wrote about his twins. I'm really glad I added this book to my collection.
An interesting read - if you can choose correctly... |
Book club reading at it's finest! |
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Slowly but surely making my way through the series... |
Books in the Queue
The Professor & the Madman by Simon Winchester - the book for our February book club meeting. I've got to get to reading this one....haven't even started it yet and book club meets on the 3rd! Yikes!
American Sniper by Chris Kyle - Now that I've seen the movie, I'd like to read the book! I am (and always have been) one of those people that wants to read the book and see the movie/TV show. Books almost always win out...if we're making a comparison. And I'm already reading this one, so maybe it's wavering somewhere between being read and being in the queue!
Can't Miss Television
Downton Abbey - Who doesn't love a chance to get back to the drama of both life upstairs and downstairs at the Abbey? Mary still can't make up her mind about just who she might want to marry...Edith is trying to love her baby while keeping her a secret...Branson is still trying to figure out exactly who he is and what he wants and Lord Grantham just wants things to stay the way they've always been! And that's just the upstairs drama! Can Bates and Anna make it through just one season without some kind of turmoil? I doubt it. And just what exactly is going on between Carson and Mrs. Hughes? Only time and a few more visits to the Abbey will tell.
Do you remember the water bottle scandal? |
They were pretty funny....except for that one joke! |
A completely riveting show. |
North and South - A BBC miniseries from almost eleven years ago that I stumbled upon because it stars Richard Armitage and when I googled him on NetFlix, this came up. The story follows Margaret Hale; the daughter of a pastor who moves with her family from the bountiful South of England to a desolate mining town in the North of England where she encounters the owner of a cotton mill, Mr. John Thornton. The story plays out during a union worker's strike in the mill town and the changes brought about from the pastor uprooting his family from the South to the North - two places that are very different. This started slow but picked up as it went and I was really thrilled with the ending. If you have Netflix and like things like Downton Abbey (spoiler - "Mr. Bates" is in North and South) this might be up your alley!
The Adventures of Mr. Thornton & Miss Margaret Hale! |
Movies I Watched
Unbroken - Oh wow. What a movie. I had read the book before we all went to the theater to see the film and I was looking forward to seeing how it translated on the big screen. I wasn't (too) disappointed. Well, maybe I'm phrasing that strangely - the movie was excellent and told a wonderful; if at times hard to watch, story. Louie Zamperini is certainly the definition of not only a hero but also a survivor. The one thing that was so crucial to his story was that on his return from the war, he was plagued with an intense desire for revenge against his Japanese captors. He turned to drinking and was going down a violent path when he was begged by his wife to attend a Billy Graham revival - he went and on the second night, he gave his life to Christ and became a new man. He would return to Japan later in life and seek out his captors to ask their forgiveness for the revenge he held in his heart for a time after the war. The film left this out - which I guess isn't shocking coming out of Hollywood - it was still an amazing film and I'd encourage anyone to see it, I just wish they'd added that little bit more.
An amazing movie about an amazing man - & the actor that played him was pretty cute too. |
The armies are massing... |
Some seriously classy fashions... |
Absolutely excellent! |
What a movie - amazing. |
Music I Listened To
The Story of My Life by One Direction - Oh lordy...a song by One Direction. I hear this song playing over and over while I work during the day (and night) and it got into my head and I couldn't get it out. It has a nice catchy tune and a good beat, so I popped it onto my cell phone and have been singing along to it ever since!
Lips Are Movin by Meghan Trainor - I must admit, I was one of probably 10 whole people who really didn't get into All About that Bass but I do really like this song. It's catchy and has a good beat. Plus, it's good to listen to as I wander around the neighborhood with my pup!
The Imitation Game by Alexandre Desplat - The soundtrack to the movie; I'm always a sucker for well written classical music and this score is one of those. I love the rhythms and melodies that this soundtrack have and I've spent many a drive to and from work listening to the songs on this soundtrack!
The Last Goodbye by Billy Boyd - The song that accompanied the credits to The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. I love the song and the message it leaves fans and moviegoers with. Not only is it a beautiful and haunting song but I love that they brought back Billy Boyd (for those of you who don't watch LotR related things, he was one of the hobbits in the original trilogy made almost ten years ago) to sing this song!
Theater & the Like
Nothing to speak of in this section this month....but in February, well in February there will be something to speak of! Yay!
Yummy in the Tummy
Well - not to toot my own horn, but I certainly enjoyed my Italian Cream Cheese Chicken! It was especially delicious and I will certainly be adding it to the rotation of things I love to cook!
I have really enjoyed trying out new creamers this month - laugh if you must, but I love coffee and I love to have strong coffee with flavored creamer. Scoff if you will, but to each his own when it comes to the coffee game. A new favorite for me is Coffee Mate Chocolate Chip Cookie creamer - it has made many a cup of morning coffee absolutely delicious!
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Yes please - I'll take all the bottles. |
What I'm Looking Forward To
Sleepy Hollow by the Washington Ballet - Yes! We are going to see Sleepy Hollow at the Kennedy Center on February 21st and I cannot wait! Ever since I saw it in the quarterly magazine we get from The Kennedy Center back in November, I have been quietly but persistently asking about it. And I got my wish - we will be going to see it! Yay!
I can't wait! |
So - there was January in a nutshell - like I said, all the snow, rain, sleet, freezing rain and crazy wind kept me indoors more than out and so I passed my time watching all manner of TV and movies. I have a feeling February might be much the same - based on the comments of so many people who live here in the Commonwealth of Virginia, Spring is likely to be here anytime soon!
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