And I didn't finish it till this year...ha-ha! Okay, I know...completely cheesy. Sorry. I couldn't resist though. Sometimes I'm prone to being a wee bit cheesy, but let's all be honest: it's the truth. I started this post in 2014 and I'm wrapping it up 2015.
This past week has been one of those weeks that seemed to go by both quickly and slowly all at the same time. I suppose there are a lot of things that make a week work that way: things you're looking forward to/things you aren't looking forward to/things you aren't sure whether you're looking forward to or not...ha-ha! Regardless of what makes a week pass faster or slower than another week, here's a look back at the past week - the end of 2014 and the start of 2015!
Movie number 1 of 3 (well, 3 for me...4 for Mom & Lindsey) for this past week. Yes - we like the movies just a wee bit. |
Let me tell you - Watson absolutely loves my sister. He thinks Lindsey is quite possibly the greatest person in the world; he loves my Mom and Dad pretty well but when Lindsey comes to visit, all bets are off and it's obvious who he loves the most. He follows her every step, sits nearest to her and does his best to crawl up in her lap and even climbs up to the stairs to hop onto her bed and greet her in the morning! I'm fairly certain he'll be in a state of despair over the next few days as he tries to figure out where Lindsey has gone...bless his heart.
Getting some cuddles in with Lindsey! |
Watson tried to protest removing the Christmas decorations. |
Nothing is better than gummy bears. Okay...maybe chocolate. |
Watson decided he liked where "his" chair was moved...he can see the whole yard from his perch. |
As I mentioned up above, we went to the movies a LOT this past week. I was a little worried the people at the Alamo were going to start to recognize us...but a lot of people must have been trying to play holiday movie catch-up because the theaters were always packed! We saw
Into the Woods on Monday and Lindsey and I absolutely loved it! My Mom thought it was kind of weird...oh well! Wednesday afternoon we went back to the Alamo and saw
Wild; Lindsey and I have read that book and we all three really enjoyed this one! My Mom and Lindsey saw
Mockingjay on Thursday afternoon....after getting sold out at the Alamo, they came over to the mall and caught it there - I'd already seen it and I was also at work! Finally on Saturday the whole family went back to the Alamo (see - they were probably like "here come these people again...") to see
Unbroken and while hard to watch at times, it was an inspiring movie! What can I say? We are a bunch of movie loving fools!
Ready to go Wild on New Years Eve.... |
The last of the 2014 cuddles! |
A toast to 2015 with our bubbly pink Moscato! |
Watson dive bombed Lindsey & I on Thursday morning, so we visited with him a bit. |
I was off all day Friday (rejoice!) and so Mom, Lindsey and I piled into my car and went to Ikea, the Marine Corps Museum and Wegmans for the day. Lindsey was on a mission to get a TV stand for her yet to exist TV...she's close to having a house on base and so she's slowly but surely stocking up on furniture. I hadn't taken my new car out on the Interstate yet but I decided I would on Friday...and I even let Lindsey drive it some, but I must confess I am still having post-wreck freak outs. I can't handle passing truckers too well and when other people are driving it tends to make me basically I'm a horrible passenger at the moment. I did discover that the trunk of my new car can hold more than I thought - Lindsey bought her TV stand and after some careful maneuvering, we managed to get it into my trunk! There was a moment where we thought we might have to leave it at Ikea but we triumphed in the end and cruised down the road with all our purchases in tow!
Hoping this will fit into my trunk....because if it won't, oooh well... |
Lindsey thought this quote was particularly funny....ha-ha! |
The Christmas tree in the Marine Corps Museum! |
We spent Saturday and Sunday just trying to soak up some Lindsey time - after I got off work on Saturday we had a delicious lunch at one of our favorites: Hunter's Head Tavern and then perused the shops in Middleburg before heading to the movies together as a family. On Sunday we all just relaxed together at the house; my Mom cooked red beans and rice per Lindsey's request and we just enjoyed our last day of Christmas vacation together before taking Lindsey to the airport. The three of us made a short stop on the way home at World Market but we were all in our comfy clothes and ready to watch season five of Downton Abbey well before it came on at 9!
Scenes from Middleburg. |
Watson with his new dragon friend - Figment! |
Getting some last Lindsey cuddles to last him until he sees her again. |
Enjoying his lazy Sunday morning. |
A certain very lucky little dog got the ham bone from the pot of red beans & was in heaven for a good hour! |
The gigantic tree at Reagan National! |
So - from one year ending to another beginning, that's what the past week looked like for me! I hope everyone is having a wonderful start to the new year!
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