Books I Read
A Dance of Dragons by George R.R. Martin - I said this would happen...and it did. Almost as soon as I finished reading A Feast for Crows, I moved right on to A Dance of Dragons because it just feels wrong to stop in the middle of a series - you know? Nothing different in this reading; it's still just as excellent but some of the characters on the television show are already starting to catch up with their story lines from book five. The show is in season four, Martin has only completed book five of a seven part series and I sure hope he's putting the finishing touches on book 6. I like to read my stories before I watch them play out - so start writing George!!!
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green - Which made me emotional; oh my. I won't go into any deep descriptions of the book here but it is about two teenagers; Hazel and Augustus, who meet in group therapy for cancer. They go about falling in love and of course, since cancer is involved there are all kinds of tugs on the heart strings. A really good book though and I look forward to seeing the movie in June!
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Excellent (& quick) read! |
Books In the Queue
I'm going to put this section on hold for this month because all my books - except those loaded onto my tablet, which have all been read - are boxed up! So, there really aren't any books in my queue because they are currently huddled in cardboard. I love you books...hang on until we get to Virginia!
Can't Miss Television
Game of Thrones - The show really continues to knock it out of the park this season; the action started in episode one and hasn't slowed down. I'm honestly so fascinated by how quickly they are moving certain characters while others just (literally) plod along. I'm also intrigued by how they have changed up certain aspects of the story from the books; some changes I understand completely and others just leave me scratching my head. Either way, there are three more episodes to go - I guess I'll have to find a covert way to watch the season finale since my cable is (most likely) a goner after June 11th and the finale is on June 15th. I'm sure I'll find a way - it's Game of Thrones; it can't be missed. Ha-ha! I do have to add that the most recent episode (which technically fell in June) made me feel a little sick at the end; it's amazing that you know what is coming and it still makes you feel ill. Blegh.
Just a few of the multitude of characters on the show... |
Fargo - Well, this show has gotten much darker as the season has progressed but it still manages to be funny; it's darkly funny. I guess that's what a dark comedy is, right? Martin Freeman's character; Lester, still continues to be my favorite character although I've taken quite an interest in Molly and Gus (played by Alison Tolman and Colin Hanks, respectively)...which may have taken quite a turn in the most recent episode I saw...I guess we'll see how it plays out. I think the reason that Lester is such an interesting character is because he seems to have made the biggest change so far - when the show started he was put down and put upon by everyone but once Lorne Malvo (Billy Bob Thornton) put a tiny idea in his head about what he deserved and what he should and shouldn't be able to get away with...well, that was all it took. I'm intrigued to see if all his subterfuge, sneakiness and willingness to do whatever it takes will pay off in the end....because he is certainly using it to get away with quite a lot at this point...
The brains (the girl, of course) & the...well...that guy is a doofus. |
Movies I Watched
The Amazing Spiderman 2 - I really enjoyed this outing with Spiderman and I'll confess that as much as I loved the Tobey Maguire age of Spiderman, Andrew Garfield just does it all so much better - I love his Peter Parker/Spiderman! I also love Emma Stone, so they are basically the perfect combo for me! This chapter of the Spidey tale explored Peter's struggle to stay away (unsuccessfully) from Gwen while uncovering more information about his parents and working on his Spiderman persona. I will say that while I really liked this movie, I felt like it could have ended about twenty minutes sooner than it did; the last bit of it seemed like an unnecessary add-on...but I read somewhere they are setting up for another one of the many Marvel universe movies. Oh well, it was still a great movie!
Cuteness overload! |
The Perks of Being A Wallflower - I wanted to see this when it came out over a year ago, but since Mississippi (or at least puny little Collinsville/Meridian) doesn't like movies that are considered "small" or "independent" - I just had to wait. I had a free preview of Showtime about mid-May and I saw that this was one of the movies on the free preview and I immediately set the DVR to record it. The story centers on Charlie, a high school freshman who has been through some sort of tragedy (it's not revealed until the end of the film) and hopes he'll find friends in high school. He gets taken in by a group of seniors who call themselves wallflowers - each one is somewhat quirky - and the story progresses from there. I loved this movie. Loved it - loved Emma Watson especially, but now I need to get to reading the book!
I quite love this movie. |
The Way Way Back - I knew next to nothing about this movie except that it had Steve Carrell in it and I love Steve, so I recorded it on HBO and was really pleased with it; I'd heard good things but not enough to really get the idea of the film. The story centers on Duncan, a shy teenager who spends his summer at the beach with his Mom, his Mom's awful boyfriend (Steve Carrell) and the boyfriend's teenage daughter. Duncan is shy and tends to let people walk all over him, but when he stumbles onto the local water park, Water Whiz and the owner, Owen gives him a job and takes him under his wing. Over the course of the summer, Duncan learns to stand up for himself and in the process, stands up for his Mom as well. This movie was great - funny and touching, I highly recommend it!
Excellent movie - well worth an hour & 45 minutes of your time! |
Music I Listened To
Am I Wrong by Nico & Vinz - a feel good, catchy type of pop song that I discovered when I finally used my iTunes radio feature while I was packing for moving...or Colorado...I can't remember which, but I was packing up something. Lindsey and I jammed out to this on multiple occasions while cruising around Colorado Springs!
Happy by Pharrell - another feel good little tune, I seem to be into those this past month, huh? I guess all the moving excitement just has me feeling especially "happy" and so I'm gravitating towards those type songs, ha-ha! Hearing this song reminds me that I still need to see Despicable Me 2 and it also reminds me of dancing at the graduation ball with my sister, cousins and Aunt and Uncle. Good times!
Yummy in My Tummy
Spicy & Sweet Crock Pot Chicken - A random concoction that I imagined up when I was bored. You might laugh when I share what all is in this; but oh well, it tasted delicious! I combined (brace yourself, it's a little odd...) chicken broth, honey, chili powder and coffee (yes, coffee) together and cooked my chicken tenders in the crock pot, covered in all of that goodness. It was juicy, with a hint of sweet, a hint of spicy and a hint of a little something different....courtesy of the coffee. It was really good!
*The computer wants to auto-correct crock pot to crack pot, because I'm obviously A) insane or B) doing drugs. I love it!*
Cookies - I cannot remember where my Mom said she got the cookies, but my sister had the most delicious iced sugar cookies at her graduation party and they were divine! Luckily enough, I got to have another of those delicious cookies just a day or so later at the wedding reception we went to. Hooray sugar cookies!
What I'm Looking Forward to in June
Yep...this is about right... |
So - there you go. A little bit shorter than usual but it is what it is. I hope everyone has an enjoyable June; I know I'm certainly planning to! Eleven days till I'm a Virginia girl! Yahoo!
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