It isn't even noon and my grass is already cut - praise Jesus. I've only had to cut grass three times since I've lived on my own. Three times...and I do not like it. I've never been a huge fan of manual labor, the heat or sweat and mowing the grass combines all three into some giant mess of an activity that I despise. I'm ready for the time of mowing the grass to be done - whether that be because Autumn arrives early (everyone laugh with me, because we know that's not going to happen) or I get to move to Virginia...I'm just ready to be done with the yard work.
For whatever reason, it just occurred to me this third time that I should plug my headphones in so I would have music to mow by. And therefore; we have this post - the songs I listened to and the thoughts that went through my head - the inner musings of me, while mowing the lawn. Ha!
My foe - how I hate this stupid machine. I do love my yard once it's mowed though. *sigh* |
Holy Grail - Jay-Z featuring Justin Timberlake
- Upon discovering that the lawn mower didn't seem to have grass - "maybe my grass isn't really THAT tall..." Looks around and decides that yep..."it is".
- Why is Jay-Z rapping about being famous & hating it? I mean, I'm sure it must be frustrating to be photographed all the time but you get paid millions of dollars and if people didn't like you/your music then you wouldn't have money. And we both know that would just kill you - I mean, you trademarked your babies' name for heaven sake. I don't know...famous people blow my mind.
- That being said, I really do like this song.
Diamonds - Rihanna
- I won't even lie, I was singing this song. Loudly. The beauty of it was that no one could hear me over the roar of the lawn beast.
- I wonder if Rihanna has ever mowed the grass? I mean, obviously she doesn't mow the grass now because she has people for that...but still...once upon a time?
- Also...if I could download the mash-up of this song with the Game of Thrones theme song, I would. Because it is awesome.
See! Amazing. You wouldn't think so...but it works.
Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke
- Did you know that Robin Thicke is the son of the dad from Growing Pains? I definitely thought on that one while I cut grass...because, hmmm...who knew?
- I've heard crazy stuff about this video, apparently it caused a major stir because...maybe there is nudity involved? I don't know...maybe I should YouTube it once I finish cutting all this grass.
Radioactive - Imagine Dragons
- I wonder how long it will take Pam to find Eric on True Blood next year? *side note - True Blood episodes are named for the song that plays at the end of each episode. The season finale was called Radioactive.* Eric is very much on fire on top of a mountain in the middle of nowhere Sweden. Let's get that sorted out fast.
- Amazingly, my friend David & I both agreed this was a good song. We have agreed on...I think at this point 4-5 songs. We've been friends for 12 years. Granted, he said this song was getting old. I just found it two weeks ago. Whatever.
Season of the Witch - Donovan
- It needs to hurry up and be the "season of the witch" because then it will be October and I hopefully won't have to cut grass.
- Also, at this point the lawn mower died and I began praying there was still a small bit of gas left in the gas container because I wasn't done yet.
- Victory - I can finish cutting grass because I have enough gas! Small miracles!
You are excellent at this grass cutting thing Mom - but we need a riding lawn mower; it gets tiring running alongside you. |
Breath of Life - Florence & the Machine
- I think my phone is being ironic now because even though it is only 10:30, the lovely Mississippi heat is taking a fierce hold and I'm starting to think I need more than one breath of life. I also need a bottle of water.
- CRAP! What just smacked me in the leg?!? Oh look...blood. Not much, but apparently a rock flew at just the right angle to smack my shin. Yahoo! How nice.
- Oh look...the lawn mower quit again. And this time I have no more gas - so I guess this means the party is over. Thank goodness the yard is cut...for the most part.
Yay - I love yard work! Also, I need to shave. |
Look at the stupid dirt & grit on my legs. can't see it that well. |
Well - there you go. Another grass mowing adventure done and over with. Accompanied by lovely, obscure thoughts. Have a lovely Saturday and may no rocks strike you in the shin!