Day Three - What was supposed to be my last "full" day in Virginia...but that's a post for another day, right? This is becoming pretty routine, but obviously the first thing I did when I woke up was sit on the back deck and drink coffee! I feel like I would do this every Saturday and Sunday morning if I lived in Virginia. Hopefully I would be able to find somewhere that I could live that also had a mountain view - but if not, Mom and Dad's would only be a short drive away!
We were very lazy on Saturday morning and just kind of sat around on the porch drinking coffee before we went in and got ready for our day three adventures. While Dad dug out Lindsey and I's old wagon ( in, almost as old as me) and the "tent" to take with us to Antietam, Mom and I made cupcakes and decorated them. Once we had packed the car, we headed over to Maryland to spend the day at Antietam Battlefield - they have a big fireworks show set to music by the Maryland Symphony Orchestra.
The view - always the view. *sigh* |
The breakfast of champions - a lemon cupcake from Crumbs. Delicious! |
The cupcakes we made to take to Antietam for our dessert later in the day! |
Armed and dangerous...that's a icing do-hickey, ha-ha! |
Antietam - from the Visitors Center. And I didn't realize until after the fact that the blue line along the back of the picture was a line of Porto Potties. Hahahahaha. |
Bloody Lane from the top of the Observation Tower |
Once more time.... |
Burnside Bridge, also at Antietam Battlefield. |
Kayaks on the muddy creek; we learned you could tube this & it was hot enough outside that it was an appealing thought. |
Another look at the bridge. |
Selfie! Cheese! |
We made a couple stops along the way to see an old Civil War era house and get some lunch at a really good Mexican place that I found on Yelp! I can't remember the name for the life of me, but I know it was really good food! After exploring the park for a little bit, we were in charge of staking out a spot on the lawn to hold things down and wait on my parent's friends, Doug and Jen and their daughter Emily. Of course, once they arrived, Emily was a perfect source of entertainment and had us rolling with laughter!
Hanging out in the field with all the other people who came to watch fireworks & listen to the orchestra. |
There were too few was HOT. |
Despite the heat, Dad & I wandered the battlefield - cannons, cannons everywhere! |
Emily munching her Salt & Vinegar chips. |
The top of a monument... |
Working on some corn, even though she is missing her two front teeth - she's a mess! |
My chips of choice...delicious! |
The heat melted the cupcakes just a little bit... |
Hello gigantic flag.... |
Dad standing when they played the Air Force song! |
Boom! Bang! Pow! |
We ate a supper of burgers, hot dogs, chips, corn and assorted desserts - there were cupcakes and cookies. The music was really nice although I have to say, they had some folk singer that performed a few of her own songs and I'm not certain she could sing that well. She kind of made Mom and I cringe...but oh well; at least the orchestra sounded great. We headed home through the traffic and I crawled into bed - once I'd taken a shower. I had to get the sweaty off!
We saw this on a car leaving the battlefield & it completely cracked me up... |
Rocking a sandal tan... |
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