It should be noted that I'm suffering from an acute case of boredom. So - if you too are suffering from an acute case of boredom, you might be interested in reading this post. If you aren't then it will probably hold little interest. Either way - here it is - a little something to pass the time.1. What was your favorite food when you were a child?
-Macaroni & Cheese, hands down. I still love that stuff!
2. What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod?
-I have no clue. I'm sure if I had my iTunes handy, I could tell you but my iPhone playlist doesn't have that feature where you can see what is most played. I'd warrant it is something by Hunter Hayes or from one of the three Game of Thrones soundtracks that I have.
3. What is one of your favorite quotes?
-"Be who you are and say what you mean. Because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Dr. Seuss
4. What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?
-Indoor activity...hmm..can sleeping count as an activity? If not, then I like reading a good book or going to the movies. Outdoor activity...I like looking at flowers; I enjoy going to botanical gardens and such.
5. What chore do you absolutely hate doing?
-Cleaning the bathroom. Ugh. HATE. IT.
6. What is your favorite form of exercise?
-Until recently I would have said walking (although truly I don't like exercise at all) but I started taking a Zumba class this week and I am really into it. Even though at times I feel completely crazy.
7. What is your favorite time of day/day of the week/month of the year?
-Time of the day - 5 o'clock on the week days and really just the mornings on the weekend; because when I wake up I have the luxury of just being lazy. Day of the week - Saturday, of course. Especially since I've become a member of the work force. Month of the year - December, hands down. I absolutely love anything and everything to do with Christmas.
8. What’s your least favorite mode of transportation?
-Hmmm...flying? I don't know. I used to hate to fly but now it's not so bad. I've never traveled by train, so I can't really put that up as comparison. I don't like traveling that involves yeah, I guess flying. It's a love/hate relationship.
9. What is your favorite body part?
-On myself, I like my eyes. On other people...well it all depends.
10. What sound do you love?
-The voices of my family and friends. Also music of most any genre.
11. If you could throw any kind of party, what would it be like and what would it be for?
-Any kind of party? I don't know; I'm not a huge party planner. I think I'll enjoy throwing birthday parties for my babies one I'll say that. I'll enjoy throwing parties for my babies!
12. If you could paint a picture of any scenery you’ve seen before, what would you paint?
-I would paint mountains. The mountains of Tennessee, the mountains of Virginia, the mountains of Colorado. I love the mountains.
13. If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?
-I don't know, so far I've only made it to 28 and 3/ I don't think I've lived enough to choose one age and stay there forever. Check back in about ten years and maybe then I'll have something for you.
14. If you knew the world was ending in 2012, what would you do differently?
-The world didn't end in 2012, so I guess I'm safe from answering this question, huh? ;)
15. If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?
-Ooooh, anyone? I don't know! I feel like the answer to this should be someone very wise or very smart but I'm drawing a blank. Apparently boredom does not help me ilicit good answers. I'll just leave this for another day, when my mind feels sharper.
16. If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be?
-I think it would be pretty cool to be in the field where the shepherds were and get to hear the heavenly chorus that announced the arrival of Jesus.
17. If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
-I think it would be really cool to learn gymnastics at an Olympic level. It would be amazing to swing and flip around those bars and fly through the air the way they do.
18. If you had to work on only one project for the next year, what would it be?
-Writing a children's book; either about my dog or about the little donkey that lives in a field near my house.
19. If you were immortal for a day, what would you do?
-What is the point of being immortal for a day? I guess I'd try some extreme sports since there would be no way I could be killed. Heliskiing anyone?? 20. If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to?
-Something that was both different and old fashioned; something inspired by books I read. Maybe to a name from Game of Thrones? Cersei? Sansa? Arya? Oh - maybe Catelyn. It's different, old fashioned and from Game of Thrones. Catelyn for the win!
21. If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet?
-This question..always this question. I should have a really deep answer like Abraham Lincoln or Einstein but the only thing I can really think of is the cast of Game of Thrones or Tom Hiddleston...or Alexander Skarsgard... I really need to go to Comin Con.
22. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?
-Travel, travel...see all the world.
23. If you were reincarnated as an animal/drink/ice cream flavor, what would it be?
-Animal, I think I'd like to be a large cat; a panther maybe. Drink, I think I'd just be water. It's a pretty abundant resource, so you could be most anywhere. Ice Cream Flavor, probably my new favorite from Blue Bell - Krazy Kookie Dough. Which kind of drives me nuts because hello - spelling!
24. If you could know the answer to any question, besides “What is the meaning of life?”, what would it be?
-When will I find my Prince Charming?
25. If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose?
-Too many choices, too many choices! It would be awesome to be Hermione from Harry Potter, it would be awesome to be any number of female characters from Game of Thrones. I even think it would be cool to be Sookie Stackhouse from the Southern Vampire Series. Any of the above. All of the above and more.