Well - it is Sunday again and I don't know how your week went, but mine was long. So long. You'd think that when you only have to go to work 4 days instead of 5 that the week would be shorter, but this week was just long and stressful. Maybe starting my Monday by separating from my family and then having a bumpy flight from Dallas to Jackson just set me on edge. Maybe I was out of whack because of the time difference from Colorado to Mississippi. Both are unlikely, it is most like this was just one of those weeks. Whatever the reason, I was glad to see Friday at 5 and I am really not looking forward to Monday morning. I took several pictures this week and I even wondered the other night if I put too many pictures on my blog; but then it hit me that it is MY blog so if I want to post 100 pictures every day, I guess that is totally cool, huh?
Here's hoping that this week is a vast improvement over last week - because I'm not a fan of last week. I'm so over it.
On to the pictures interspersed with some anecdotes about the week....
Glad to have me home on Monday night and already begging for a bite of my supper... |
The office went to Cheri Barry's re-election announcement at the carousel. While that wasn't exactly riveting (I can't even vote for her because I live in the county...) it was fun to see the carousel again after such a long time. |
These are coming right along - although the tag in the pot said they were pink and white. Obviously, that is wrong. |
I got mail on Tuesday! Fun! Fun! I love to get mail.
Wednesday was where the week really went from seeming really long to being stressful as well. When I got home from work on Wednesday, my dog was fine, playing in the yard like he always does and just having a grand old time. Five minutes later when I go to let him in, I discovered that he'd been bitten in the neck by a newly acquired neighbor's dog. A dog that is about 5 times his size. Firstly: he is fine. Thank the Lord. He was very pitiful for most of Wednesday night and I would be too if I'd been chomped in the neck by a 100+ pound Husky. Secondly: this just opened up a world of problems. I don't feel safe letting him outside to play anymore because all I can think of it that if the dog had bit a little bit harder, I might not have a dog anymore. Watson has Small Dog Syndrome - in that while he only weighs about 19-20 pounds, he thinks he weighs about 120 pounds and so he has no intention of backing down from any dog that comes at him. It's just been an added stress that I worry about now - sigh.
I had my dog's blood on my hands - not cool. He got some chicken and spinach as part of the healing process... |
Bright spot on Wednesday? Bath & Body Works had their candles on sale and I had a gift card. Now at least the house will smell like Spring until the weather catches up permanently. |
Not feeling so great with a hole gouged in his neck...
Thursday was pretty dismal mostly because it rained for a large portion of the day and that always tends to make a person dreary. Watson and I caught up on our TV shows while a storm raged outside the house on Thursday night. I don't remember lightning being so bright as it was on Thursday night but luckily while it sounded ferocious outside, it wasn't actually ever too bad.
Raindrops keep falling on my head... |
Watson hopes he can beg for some supper since he is still recovering from having a hole bitten into his neck. |
Thursday dessert - leftover Valentine candy from my parents! |
I discovered on Thursday night that Watson is more afraid of thunder than of bath water when he crept into the bathroom after a particularly loud clap of thunder and settled himself on the rug until I was done in the bathtub. |
Watson now gets driven to Nanny's each morning to avoid getting munched on again. |
Friday night I was really lazy - which is saying something because if I don't have plans on Friday nights then I usually try to do laundry or clean up a little bit while I watch a movie. I didn't do anything but watch movies/TV on Friday night. I was a completely lazy bum and I actually really enjoyed it.
On Saturday, I discovered just how very hard it is to keep your pet entertained when he'd really rather be outside. You see, I'd let him out with caution on Saturday morning but it made me a nervous wreck... especially when minutes after he came back in, the dog that bit him was walking through the middle of my yard. I've seen the dog that bit Watson no less than 5 times in my yard since Watson was bit and so just letting him out for a few minutes makes me a nervous wreck, but at the same time I can't exactly walk around with him leashed all day long. It is crazy and causes unnecessary stress to say the least.
Trying to get him to play with his monkeys - as you can see, he is like "no way." |
We now have to be leashed in our own front yard to prevent getting eaten...and as I would learn on Sunday, sometimes even that isn't enough. |
Signs of Spring? I hope so! |
Kisses from Watson while we are outside on our walk. Sweet puppy. |
Getting his owie cleaned - he was very good about this all week long. |
Daffodils - again. |
Watson and I walked outside about 4 times on Saturday, I did laundry, cleaned the house and read. I made waffles on Saturday night and we watched more movies: Argo and Battleship. Argo was the perfect example of what an excellent movie should be; Battleship...well let's just say it had Alexander Skarsgard and that was about it's only redeeming quality.
The best part of Battleship...and spoiler alert; he doesn't even survive for a full hour of the two hour and fifteen minute movie. Fail. |
I thought I'd chop up some Dove chocolates to go in my waffles. I chopped my finger too. Chocolate in waffles - good. Blood in waffles - not good. |
The fiery sunset on Saturday night. |
Chocolate chip waffles with coconut syrup. And don't worry, I gave Watson a bite of regular waffle and not the chocolate infused flavor. I've already been working too hard this week to preserve his life. |
The full moon over the trees while Watson and I were walking before bed. |
I was trying to catch a picture of him stealing a Frito from me and this was what I got - it is actually pretty hilarious. He looks really thrilled about his bite of Frito. |
Sunday...today has seemed fast and slow at the same time. Sunday morning came too fast for me and the afternoon has gone by too fast as well, but other times have seemed to drag. I played with my boys at church and tried to take a Sunday afternoon nap but when Watson started staring out the window and crying to go outside, I knew we had to make a change of plans - so we went to the lake for a little while. And now the headache that I started to get after lunch has grown with each passing hour and since I'm about done here, I'm going to take more headache pills and lay on the couch in anticipation of watching the Oscars tonight. I'm not too invested in any one person winning beyond Jennifer Lawrence - she has swept it so far at every awards show and I hope she wins Best Actress tonight for "Silver Linings Playbook". I'd love to see Bradley Cooper win Best Actor as well, but I think Daniel Day Lewis probably has that category all tied up for "Lincoln". I could get behind "Argo" or "Silver Linings Playbook" winning Best Picture and I'm pretty shocked that Ben got jilted for Best Director because "Argo" is amazing. That being said, that's all I've got when it comes to the Oscars. A little over 2 hours till it all goes down...
Two of my favorite little people, who seem to understand every week that they should come sit on my lap so I can take out picture. They're both so smart! |
Going to the lake to escape the terror of taking a walk in our own front yard.... |
More signs of Spring...I can feel it, it's coming! |
Gatsby? What Gatsby? - I don't think I appreciated this book as much in high school as I do now. |
At least somebody got in their Sunday afternoon nap.
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