Well - since I'm posting this at the end of June, somehow half of 2019 has already come and gone. I think I'll always remain bewildered at how quickly time passes...and it seems to pass more quickly with each passing year. June feels like it absolutely flew by and so - here are all the ways I've kept myself entertained and amused this past month!

Lindsey Visits (Twice) - Y'all... my little sister is coming to visit not once but twice in July and I cannot wait to see her. I haven't seen her since Christmas and that's just unacceptable! I think that might be one of the things I really don't love about being an adult - only seeing my sister every few months or so. *sigh* Adulting is hard.

July Fourth - I'm not sure if it's a thrilling idea or a terrifying idea but we've decided to brave DC on July 4th. Eek! I do love seeing fireworks and I love all things related to our nation's capital, so here's hoping that the crowds of people will be offset by the dramatic fireworks, fanfare and revelry!

Staycation - I'm taking the final week of July off from work for my sister's second visit and so I'll be doing a little bit of a staycation, which ends up being amazingly wonderful simply because of the area where I live. Being so close to DC, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia just opens up so many options for places to go that are right outside the front door! Plus - who doesn't love a week off work?
Nationals Baseball - Of course there will be at least one baseball game this month! My Nationals have fought their way back to a .500 season (so far) and made their way into third place in the National League...it's becoming more and more fun to watch the boys play with each month! I'm hoping July will be even more thrilling!
Queen+Adam Lambert in Concert - I am seeing QUEEN IN CONCERT this month! Did you hear what I said? I will be seeing the legendary musicians that are Brian May and Roger Taylor, alongside Adam Lambert... in concert this month! The tickets were a Christmas gift and when I received them, the end of July seemed so far away... but here we are! I'll be seeing Queen in concert at the end of the month and I still can't quite believe it!

Books I Read
Fire & Blood by George R.R. Martin - I've been perusing this book all month long but I still haven't quite finished it. I know.. I know, earlier in the year I was blazing through multiple books a month but I've been distracted by other things... even distracted by reading other things...
I've been re-reading portions of the A Song of Ice & Fire series throughout the month (this happens on a pretty routine basis) and I somehow stumbled upon a fan fiction website that allows me to read versions of the final season of Game of Thrones with ending(s) that I like a bit more than the actual ending, ha-ha!
Books on the Shelf
The list goes on and on... I have plenty of books waiting to be read and I'll get to them once I can tear myself away from re-reading old favorites and discovering other people's takes on favorites.
Can't Be Missed Movies
Rocketman - I wanted to see this movie from the first view of the trailer and while it took me a few weeks to get to the theater, I finally joined my friend Danielle and we both thoroughly enjoyed this movie. The music is; of course, fabulous... but the way Taron Egerton completely becomes Elton John is pretty mind-blowing. I knew very little about Elton John before this movie but he's certainly lived a unique and intriguing life - and if you love a good story and excellent music, this movie is definitely a must see!

Yesterday - I do think this was my favorite movie I saw this month! It was heartwarming, funny and the music that inspired the story was... again, fabulous! The premise is simple enough: after a world wide blackout, Jack is the only person who remembers the Beatles and has to come to grips with overnight fame when the world discovers "his" music. It's a rom-com and a lovely one at that.. honestly, everything about this movie is a delight!

Must See TV
Top of the Lake - Obsessed with the disappearance of a 12-year-old pregnant girl near a freezing lake in New Zealand, a brave detective will find herself up against small-town secrets and a side of herself that was meticulously kept at bay. This show was intense, interesting but also at times a little mind-boggling but I absolutely enjoyed it so much... that I moved right on to the second season...

Tasty Treats
Oh my but there was good eating this month! I had the most delicious Pimento Cheese Bacon Burger and Brunswick Stew at Due South and followed that up with Whiskey Toasted Marshmallow and Lemon Muffin Top ice cream from Ice Cream Jubilee - so delicious! Earlier in the month I had Pimento Cheese Fritters and seriously divine Corn and Bacon Chowder... just typing that makes my mouth water.
I also discovered Doc's Tea - which is organic and so very tasty and also only has 10 calories per bottle, so I've been grabbing some of that every time I get a chance! We had brunch at West Oaks Farm Market about halfway through the month and last but not least... the delicious drinks! I had a Blue Hawaiian while I was singing along to the tunes of Elton John and I enjoyed a completely perfect Blackberry Lavender White Mocha - gah - y'all it was so good!
I've branched out this month... I mean, I'm still listening to the Game of Thrones soundtrack(s) pretty regularly but I've also added into the mix the soundtrack from Rocketman, an Elton John playlist and the soundtrack from Yesterday... and a playlist I found on Apple Music entitled The History of Scotland.
I've been listening to some podcasts with interview with some of my favorite GoT actors and also my usual favorites.
And just like that - the month of June has come and gone! The first half of the year is for the memory books now and the final half are awaiting new adventures!