Oh - Mission Cute! It's like they saw that I reduced the size of my box recently and they decided they'd send one of the best boxes that I've ever gotten before! Man! They know how to try and reel a client back in. However, I will hold my ground and stick to the smaller box for the month of April - so this will be my last "deluxe" box.
What might this box have in store? |
The March box supported the Pediatric Cancer Foundation - I think this has easily been one of the most well known foundations in all the time that I've been receiving the Mission Cute box. The Pediatric Cancer Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to funding research in an effort to help eliminate childhood cancer. The Pediatric Cancer Foundation relies on five sources of funding for it's financial support: individual contributions, corporate contributions, planned giving, grants and fundraising events. So...I guess this month's box proceeds are a corporate contribution?? Ha-ha...regardless of what type of contribution it is, 50% of the proceeds for the March Mission Cute box went to a wonderful cause.
So now...on to what was in the box...because remember, this box was great!
Mission Cute Art Print |
Mission Cute Art Print - I like this print and the quote by Maya Angelou; I'm not sure where I'm going to put all these prints since I've accumulated about five or six now, but I guess they can be interchangeable in the frame I have. I will confess as much as I've loved some of the art prints, I'm hoping that they are omitted from the Mini Box that I'll get in April...mostly because I don't need anymore, ha-ha!
Some Bunny Loves You Greeting Card |
Some Bunny Loves You Greeting Card - Which I loved and immediately knew would go to my little sister for Easter! I adore the simplicity of the card and the sweet statement...and since I got this box in mid-March, I didn't hold on to this cute card for long. I stuffed it with a little surprise for my sister and sent it along to Texas for an Easter happy! I will say; I love when the boxes have cards and stationary type items, I love those kind of things and can't get enough of them!
Mission Cute Coin Purse |
Mission Cute Coin Purse - This wasn't a hit or miss for me...just kind of like...meh. I received one of these a couple boxes back and so I feel like maybe it's something they toss into the boxes as an extra to get the box to the 5-6 "surprises" quota. Its cute and useful, but since I own one already I'll be putting this into my random goodies box to add to someone's gift down the road...
The next three things were what really made this box for me - I thought they were all absolutely great!
Simpy Remarkable Chalk Marker |
Simply Remarkable Chalk Marker - This really got me pretty excited! I have a small chalkboard sign at my office but the plain old chalk that came with it...well, it just doesn't quite do the job! I have looked for something to write on it with but so far, I've not had a lot of luck! I guess maybe I need to hit up Hobby Lobby or Michael's...but I digress. This is a chalk marker that I just know is going to come in handy for writing cute little messages on my chalk board and I can't wait to put it work!
Mint & Eggplant Necklace |
Mint & Eggplant Necklace - How cute is this necklace??? I always love when there is some sort of jewelry in the boxes and Mission Cute usually doesn't disappoint in the jewelry department, but I have to say that this is the cutest piece of jewelry I've received so far! I love the mint and purple, it will go well with a lot of things for Spring and Summer! I can't wait to find the perfect outfit to pair it with and throw it on! I also love that it's gold; I've not been much of a fan of gold jewelry but recently I've really been on a kick with gold, so I was thrilled to get another awesome piece of gold jewelry to add to the mix!
Greek Key Infinity Scarf |
Greek Key Infinity Scarf - Oh my goodness! I love this scarf! It's soft, I love the Greek key pattern and it could work for almost all seasons. The material is light enough to be a good Spring or Fall scarf but would also do well on a mild(er) Winter day! I think I most love that the scarf is navy and white; I really love navy and red for the Summer, I love nautical colors in general for the Spring and Summer and given that sometimes there are some early Summer days that can be quite mild here...I think I'll get a ton of wear out of this scarf!
So - there you have it! The March Mission Cute box...they did their best to try and draw me back in for the Deluxe Box. I have to say, as fun as this box was, I'm looking forward to seeing what the Mini Box is all about in April!