Are you kidding me with the passing of time? I feel like I blinked and this month has passed! I think a large part of that has to do with having a full time job now (yes - full time employment for the win!) It's amazing how quickly a week passes when 40+ hours are spent at work! So, now for the things that kept me amused when I was outside the office.
Books I Read
An Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon - Book Seven! I'm moving right along with the Outlander series people...well, kind of. I only started it about eight months ago. And of course, I always tend to get sidetracked by other books as the month progresses. I'll finish the series one day - I promise! Granted, probably not in April because that's when the show Outlander comes back on and then I'll be watching that instead of reading - sad but true.
Wind Done Gone by Alice Randall - Book club book...ha-ha! Definitely an interesting read, this story tells a tale similar to Gone with the Wind but from the point of view of a slave girl, Cynara who is a mulatto and is also the half-sister of Scarlett O'Hara; Cynara is the product of a relationship between Gerald O'Hara and Mammy. The story follows Cynara as she lives her life as a rival to her sister Scarlett; only ever referred to as Other in the book. Cynara writes in a "diary" about her life as she strives to best Scarlett in every way possible since she couldn't quite ever divert Mammy's attention from Scarlett to herself. Apparently the book was thought to be too similar to Gone with the Wind and Margaret Mitchell's publishing company sued - and lost.
An Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon - Book Seven! I'm moving right along with the Outlander series people...well, kind of. I only started it about eight months ago. And of course, I always tend to get sidetracked by other books as the month progresses. I'll finish the series one day - I promise! Granted, probably not in April because that's when the show Outlander comes back on and then I'll be watching that instead of reading - sad but true.
Wind Done Gone by Alice Randall - Book club book...ha-ha! Definitely an interesting read, this story tells a tale similar to Gone with the Wind but from the point of view of a slave girl, Cynara who is a mulatto and is also the half-sister of Scarlett O'Hara; Cynara is the product of a relationship between Gerald O'Hara and Mammy. The story follows Cynara as she lives her life as a rival to her sister Scarlett; only ever referred to as Other in the book. Cynara writes in a "diary" about her life as she strives to best Scarlett in every way possible since she couldn't quite ever divert Mammy's attention from Scarlett to herself. Apparently the book was thought to be too similar to Gone with the Wind and Margaret Mitchell's publishing company sued - and lost.
Books in the Queue
I'll be honest - I have no clue what is in the queue. I don't even know off the top of my head what the book for our book club is going to be. I'm sure I'll read plenty over the next month but I don't have any set book picked out that I want to read, so I guess whatever strikes my fancy will be what I pick up off the shelf.
I'll be honest - I have no clue what is in the queue. I don't even know off the top of my head what the book for our book club is going to be. I'm sure I'll read plenty over the next month but I don't have any set book picked out that I want to read, so I guess whatever strikes my fancy will be what I pick up off the shelf.
Can't Miss Television
House of Cards - Yes, I carried this over from last month because by the time I finished the third season, it was March! Granted, it was only March 1st...but still; at least I had the restraint to not watch all 13 episodes in one day. The only episodes I actually watched in March were the last 4 or 5 - but the last 3 episodes of the season were definitely the best; the episodes where once I started one, I had to just go ahead and bite the bullet and finish the season. I could have done without so much Doug; or as my Mom always says when I reference him - "Stamper?" - whiny and sad Doug is the worst. The last episode was so explosive...and the last ten minutes just blew my mind. I can't believe it will be another year till I can know how ALL THAT resolves itself. Whoosh!
The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt - Another Netflix show y'all...it's taking over my life, ha-ha! I watched one episode of this and was immediately hooked - the 90's references alone make this show hilarious. Kimmy Schmidt is a thirty year old woman who has finally been released from being held in a bunker in Indiana for the last 15 years of her life by a religious zealot (hey Jon Hamm!) and decides that she wants to make up for the life she's missed. She moves to New York, moves in with a gay black man, gets a job working for a wealthy upper East sider and generally just goes after life with all she's got. She has a refreshing take on life and an upbeat attitude - not to mention, since Tina Fey is one of the producers, this show has jokes aplenty.
House of Cards - Yes, I carried this over from last month because by the time I finished the third season, it was March! Granted, it was only March 1st...but still; at least I had the restraint to not watch all 13 episodes in one day. The only episodes I actually watched in March were the last 4 or 5 - but the last 3 episodes of the season were definitely the best; the episodes where once I started one, I had to just go ahead and bite the bullet and finish the season. I could have done without so much Doug; or as my Mom always says when I reference him - "Stamper?" - whiny and sad Doug is the worst. The last episode was so explosive...and the last ten minutes just blew my mind. I can't believe it will be another year till I can know how ALL THAT resolves itself. Whoosh!
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How long till the House of Cards collapses? |
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This show is hilarious! |
I think Nick is my favorite... |
Movies I Watched
Cinderella - I have been looking forward to this movie since I saw the first preview - which is funny since Cinderella is probably one of my least favorite of the Disney princess films. I think my anticipation of this movie had a LOT to do with Prince Charming being played by Richard Madden...who once upon a time was Robb Stark on Game of Thrones. I was a little more intrigued when I realized Cinderella was being played by Lily James, who stars on Downton Abbey...and another DA cast member was playing one of the ugly stepsisters. The story is a classic and nothing about it changed but the film was magical - there is just something about the cast and the story that clicked perfectly and made for an absolutely enchanting movie. I loved it. That's all I really have to say for it - it's excellent, so go see it if you haven't!
Insurgent - Well, I enjoyed this. I wasn't sure if I would because I'd heard a lot of mixed reviews from friends but I thought it was really good. The story; of course, continues to follow Tris and Four as they look to escape Jeanine's clutches and live life free from the corrupt faction system. This volume was a lot more violent than the first; so much shooting! I feel like there is still so much more that has to happen for this series to wind itself up...I guess it's a good thing they split the last book into two movies. Two things I take from this movie: Naomi Watts does not look old enough to be Theo James' mother (honestly - in real life she's 46 and he's 30...so I guess maybe...but not really) and that new haircut that Tris did all by herself...just nope. She looked like a hoot owl and in this case, that's not a good thing.
Cinderella - I have been looking forward to this movie since I saw the first preview - which is funny since Cinderella is probably one of my least favorite of the Disney princess films. I think my anticipation of this movie had a LOT to do with Prince Charming being played by Richard Madden...who once upon a time was Robb Stark on Game of Thrones. I was a little more intrigued when I realized Cinderella was being played by Lily James, who stars on Downton Abbey...and another DA cast member was playing one of the ugly stepsisters. The story is a classic and nothing about it changed but the film was magical - there is just something about the cast and the story that clicked perfectly and made for an absolutely enchanting movie. I loved it. That's all I really have to say for it - it's excellent, so go see it if you haven't!
*sigh* |
Music I Listened To
Drops in the Ocean by Hawk Nelson - Such an awesome song; I heard it on the way to work one morning and couldn't listen to it enough...so of course I went to the all powerful iTunes and added it to my collection.
More Than You Think I Am by Danny Gokey - Danny Gokey has really become an artist I enjoy listening to; this song in particular is so fascinating, it challenges the notions we have of who God is and reminds us that he is much more than we'll ever think He is. And it's pretty catchy too! :)
Because He Lives by Matt Maher - A new take on an old classic; I really love this song. It's such a great reminder of how much we have because of the life that Christ gave for us - a wonderful daily reminder of how blessed we truly are. The song's message is especially poignant with Easter right around the corner.
One Direction - oh my geez, as a thirty year old woman I admit...I bought some songs by One Direction this month. Zayn left the group and all of a sudden their music was everywhere and I realized it was pretty catchy and it was a downward spiral from there. Some of the songs I bought are: Story of My Life, You & I, They Don't Know About Us and One Thing. Don't judge me. :)
Drops in the Ocean by Hawk Nelson - Such an awesome song; I heard it on the way to work one morning and couldn't listen to it enough...so of course I went to the all powerful iTunes and added it to my collection.
More Than You Think I Am by Danny Gokey - Danny Gokey has really become an artist I enjoy listening to; this song in particular is so fascinating, it challenges the notions we have of who God is and reminds us that he is much more than we'll ever think He is. And it's pretty catchy too! :)
Because He Lives by Matt Maher - A new take on an old classic; I really love this song. It's such a great reminder of how much we have because of the life that Christ gave for us - a wonderful daily reminder of how blessed we truly are. The song's message is especially poignant with Easter right around the corner.
One Direction - oh my geez, as a thirty year old woman I admit...I bought some songs by One Direction this month. Zayn left the group and all of a sudden their music was everywhere and I realized it was pretty catchy and it was a downward spiral from there. Some of the songs I bought are: Story of My Life, You & I, They Don't Know About Us and One Thing. Don't judge me. :)
Theater & the Like
Nothing like that here this month.... At least there was no driving in a snowstorm while throwing up in the backseat to try and get to the theater this month. Blegh.
Nothing like that here this month.... At least there was no driving in a snowstorm while throwing up in the backseat to try and get to the theater this month. Blegh.
Yummy in my Tummy
The Celebration Frappucino from Starbucks definitely springs to mind in this category! My cousin Alisha posted pictures (yes...more than one picture of a drink) on Friday the 27th and so I had to check it out for myself. Apparently it was only out for the weekend of March 27-29 but it was absolutely delicious...and it had pink whip cream! Hello - awesome!
The Celebration Frappucino from Starbucks definitely springs to mind in this category! My cousin Alisha posted pictures (yes...more than one picture of a drink) on Friday the 27th and so I had to check it out for myself. Apparently it was only out for the weekend of March 27-29 but it was absolutely delicious...and it had pink whip cream! Hello - awesome!
Lime Delight Peeps... I must say, as I get older I'm a lot less interested in Peeps. I even made sure to specifically tell my Mom that I didn't want very much candy for Easter & I didn't think I wanted any Peeps. My sister is probably having heart failure reading this...she is a diehard lover of Peeps. I stumbled onto these bad boys at Target...the bottoms are dipped in lime "fudge" and they are absolutely lovely. So, I may have requested that I get some of these (in either lemon or orange) for Easter.

What I'm Looking Forward To
Okay...this might be terrible but the second half of the first season of Outlander (why did they split it up, I don't know...so silly though) premieres on April 4th and the fifth season of Game of Thrones premieres on April 12th! Yes...I'm excited about TV y'all. What a huge shock that is, right?
Philip Carter Winery Tour...because ever since I moved to this area, I've been interested in taking a wine tour. There are winery's located all over the place in Northern Virginia and I've heard great things about Philip Carter (from my Mom and my sister, ha-ha) and so when a tour popped up on Living Social, I jumped on it. I'm going with my good friend Rachel and I can't wait for this experience!
Seeing the Cherry Blossoms bloom in DC! This has been on my bucket list forever and I thought a couple years ago that I'd get to see them...but crazy weather (what a shocker) pushed the bloom dates back and I missed them. Well, this year I live only an hour away...as opposed to 13 hours...so I've got big plans to go with my friend Danielle to DC for the day to see them. I can't wait!
And oh yea...did I mention....GAME OF THRONES!
Okay...this might be terrible but the second half of the first season of Outlander (why did they split it up, I don't know...so silly though) premieres on April 4th and the fifth season of Game of Thrones premieres on April 12th! Yes...I'm excited about TV y'all. What a huge shock that is, right?
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Oh Claire & Jamie... |
Philip Carter Winery Tour...because ever since I moved to this area, I've been interested in taking a wine tour. There are winery's located all over the place in Northern Virginia and I've heard great things about Philip Carter (from my Mom and my sister, ha-ha) and so when a tour popped up on Living Social, I jumped on it. I'm going with my good friend Rachel and I can't wait for this experience!
Seeing the Cherry Blossoms bloom in DC! This has been on my bucket list forever and I thought a couple years ago that I'd get to see them...but crazy weather (what a shocker) pushed the bloom dates back and I missed them. Well, this year I live only an hour away...as opposed to 13 hours...so I've got big plans to go with my friend Danielle to DC for the day to see them. I can't wait!
I'm going to see this! I am! |
And oh yea...did I mention....GAME OF THRONES!
YES! I can't wait! |
So - that's all for the month of March! I cannot believe a fourth of this year has already come and gone! So far, 2015 has been an awesome year for me and March was no exception. I can't wait to see what the rest of this year has in store - if the first quarter was any indication, this year is shaping up to be excellent!