Yeah - exactly. I keep trying to think of cutesy, tongue-in-cheek titles for these posts each week and they just fail me. Maybe it is the state of my brain when I write them? I've got Monday brain when I do these things and I think that makes a difference in the quality. Example? I just spelled makes as amkes...I mean, hello dyslexic thinking! I'm going to certainly blame that on a bad case of the Mondays/tossing and turning last night in bed and move on; I love a good Sunday afternoon nap but sometimes I think they cause me major strife when bedtime rolls around on Sunday night. Oh well...onward!
This past week moved fast and the weekend moved even faster. I felt like I was basically useless when it came to getting things done on Saturday....but let me not get ahead of myself.
Someone in the office decided to share leftover gummie bunnies. They were amazing, obviously. |
Sometimes he acts so much like a kid as opposed to a pup that it just kills me - look at that face? Hugging his stuffed hedgehog? Yes, it completely kills me. In the best way ever. |
Quick interjection - last Monday night (4/15/13) was the second season finale for
Dallas and the big question hanging over the show was; yet again, who shot JR? I don't know if any of you out there watch
Dallas (except Mom, I know you watch it Mom) but I have to say, I was not so pleased with the outcome. I'm not going to elaborate on that since maybe you will all decide to develop an interest in the show, but suffice it to say that my Mom and I (who have regular text conversations during "our shows") were both like, "wait...what?" at the end. So...maybe it will get renewed for a third season, because I do love some John Ross and also because, I'd hate for that to be the way it ended...because that just didn't do it for me.
My "baby" in the backseat on Tuesday morning. He loves getting to ride to Nanny's each morning, even if it is only about 50 yards away. |
So true. But it will make the numbers on the scale go up. Decisions, decisions... |
Brilliant |
Let me explain the above picture: Nathan Fillion, who plays Richard Castle on the ABC show
Castle is also a huge fan of
Game of Thrones and he came up with those absolutely amazing Bingo boards to use while watching the show. I'm torn now, because when I watch
Game of Thrones, I assume the position of rapt attention and don't normally respond to anyone or anything for an hour. If you've received a response to a text message between the hour of 8-9 on Sunday night, you should feel special. Anyway, I digress... these Bingo boards make me wish I had someone to watch with so we could actually play Bingo. Of course, I was so completely engrossed in the episode last night that I forgot about it until after the episode ended. It's a conundrum really, but a good one to have.
No interest in watching Duck Dynasty on Wednesday night...he just wanted to mope. |
The threat of crazy weather on Thursday night...which actually turned out to be an idle threat here. Just a little wind, a little rain & a rumble of thunder. |
He just couldn't take it - he crashed on Thursday night. Too funny. |
Friday night had that glorious routine feeling to it and sometimes that bothers me, but this week it didn't. I washed all my clothes on Friday night, ate pizza (this is a weekly routine) and watched both a movie and a small
Game of Thrones marathon (the first 3 episodes of the 3rd season were on). It's an addiction y'all, but it's a good one. I read while I laid in the bed and that was also wonderful. Basically, Friday evening was just great.
I'm telling you, there is just something so wonderful about a lazy Saturday morning. I love them and at this point in my life, I get to have them a lot more often than not. I like to think I'm banking the extra sleep for one day when I need it; if only it worked that way. There is some kind of magic (at least to me) about being able to just lay in the warmth of your bed and know that if you really wanted to, you could lay there all day with no real consequence. Once you get out of the bed though, that spell is broken and I usually find something I need to take care of. This Saturday I was pretty worthless when it came to doing things. I managed to clean my bathroom and tidy up around the house a bit, but otherwise the day was spent laying around watching a random movie on HBO, reading some chapters of a book, meandering around the yard with my pup and just being lazy. It was good. I also watched the movie We Bought A Zoo, which was so good. Matt Damon was killing me with the tears, but they were warm fuzzy tears. Oh yeah...and I cooked red beans and rice; which was delicious.
 | good. |
Colorful ingredients! It was smelling good in my house Saturday afternoon! |
Delicious? Oh..yes indeed it was. |
I just like how colorful this picture is...all the green and pink! And the yummy! |
Throwback to earlier in the week - trying to keep cool with 2 fans. I refuse to cut my AC on before May. I refuse. |
Silly boy - we were trying to send a picture to Mom & Lindsey. He is obviously thrilled. |
The faces he makes.... |
I'm going to have to do something about the begging...he really is getting a little too forward. |
Sunday morning was fun, which was nice because sometimes my Sunday mornings can become stressful at a moment's notice. I spend Sunday School cuddling a little sweetheart who normally has nothing to do with me, but suddenly this week I was her favorite person. I'm going to be honest, that is a lovely feeling. She took a liking to my necklace and wore it for over an hour. Sweet girl. I also got to spend some time with a good friend and hang out with my little buddy for an hour; he was as sweet as always and I love passing the time rocking babies and talking to friends.
Precious - oh yes indeed. |
My buddy - so glad to get to cuddle him again, even if only for a few minutes. He's busy being a big boy these days. |
Sunday afternoon was more laziness, napping, reading, walking with the little pup and doing just a little bit of tidying up around the house. The weather on Sunday afternoon was wonderful and I wish that I could let my sweet Watson run free...but right now, he just can't. I prefer a live dog as opposed to a dead dog and the threat of being jumped is always there. *sigh*
What you looking at there buddy? |
Late Spring...just a few pictures from in the yard, around the house & in the car. |
He wanted to visit Nanny...but she wasn't at home. |
Watson says "hey Mom, I'm way cuter than those dragons and direwolves on Game of Thrones, right?" |
Well, I guess that's about all for now. Monday is more than halfway over, at least for me. Just got to make it about three more hours and then I'm home free until Tuesday morning. Hope this week is as good as last week was, granted...the weekend can certainly feel free to move a little slower.