I flew out of Jackson on Friday the 22nd & that was an accomplishment in & of itself. About 5 years ago, we were on a plane leaving Colorado Springs & the plane hit an air pocket (or something) & decided to drop a couple hundred feet. Well - cue my flight anxiety. We are talking sweaty palms, heart palpitations, full blown panic attack on an airplane. And if it hit even the smallest bump - hello death grip on the arm rest. I can white knuckle the button slap off an airplane arm rest if the plane hits turbulence. But more on that later. I made it through both of my flights courtesy of a lovely drug called Lorazepam. Look it up - it's fun stuff. Again - we'll get back to that.
Lindsey was so excited to see me, she literally skipped the stairs & ran down the hill. Wow. Make a girl feel special. :) Don't believe me? Look on Facebook. I uploaded a picture. I'm not gonna lie - I was beyond thrilled to see her but the altitude in the Springs prevented me from running up the hill to her. I would have probably collapsed from oxygen deprivation & no one wants that. After a joyous reunion, there was a delicious supper at Saltgrass & then we got to explore our Easter Bunny treats - two days early! We also watched the movie "Date Night" which left us with many quotable phrases that we uttered throughout the rest of the weekend. A personal favorite? "He turned the gun sideways - it's a kill shot!!!" You had to say these phrases in character too - you didn't just mutter them randomly, they had to be screeched with conviction. Why was that phrase so great? I dunno. It isn't like we ran into armed gunmen while roaming the Springs. Again - this is Lindsey & I. As my lovely mother says "ya'll aren't right". Indeed. We aren't.
We did a little shopping on Saturday morning but there is really nothing that exciting about shopping. At least there really wasn't this time around - I mean, I'm sure Lindsey was psyched about her new dress, shorts & tank & I am pretty thrilled with my Superman shirt (I'm wearing it now) - but that was really it on the shopping front. The best part of Saturday? The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, of course. It was great, but most importantly because I learned something very interesting about my little sister.
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Beware - I am fierce. |
Speaking of things that are fierce - the picture to the left. Reason #5,329 out of too many to count that Lindsey & I are awesome. Want to know something else awesome? I brought home a framed version of this for my parents as their gift from the trip - I'm pretty sure it is one of the greatest pictures ever. After careful consideration, it is now my profile pic on Facebook. I love it that much. Lindsey & I told Jeff & Ging that they needed to place it front & center in their new home in VA so that when they make new friends, they can use this picture to brag on their children. I'm not sure they bought it so much....
The rest of Saturday was lovely. I got to meet Lindsey's sponser family, the Gaydons. Halting the goofy recap for a minute, I am so thankful for these people & I barely know them. They have taken Lindsey in & they love her like she is one of their own. She is so far away from us & it us such a blessing knowing that there are such wonderful people in the world who will take someone else's kid (or kid sister in my case) & care for her. Anway - after meeting the Gaydons, we ate at Noodles & Co which is absolutely awesome. We also saw the movie "Water for Elephants" which is something else that is awesome. And not just because Robert Pattinson is in it. Although that defintely doesn't hurt at all. He looks much better with a tan - he's pretty epic as Edward Cullen, but vampires are awfully pale. Just sayin. Also just sayin - go see "Water for Elephants". Good way to spend two hours & roughly $8.
Lindsey & I spent our Sunday morning at one of the most wonderful places on Earth. If Disney World is the happiest place on Earth, then the Broadmoor is getting pretty close to second place. They have a Sunday brunch that is to die for. Of course, it will also make you die a little when you get the check - but oh well, it was all worth it in the end. They have more food than you could ever imagine & it is all so delicious. At least, all that I tasted was. I had (get ready, there is a lot of stuff & I'm not even ashamed) - maple cured bacon, Irish breakfast potatoes, a waffle with grand marnier sauce, strawberries, blueberries, kiwi, pineapple, raspberries, a cheese blintz with berry sauce, beef tenderloin tips, grilled chicken, ham, mashed potatoes, bread with hummus spread, bread with garlic spread, a miniature rabbit cupcake (not filled with actual rabbit but it did have mousse in it) peanut butter pie, carrot cake bite, chocolate mousse bite, chamomile tea jello with fruit. Yep. I think that it all. I may be wrong though. I may have blacked out at some point because of the awesomeness of it all. There was so much more to choose from. Lindsey ate a whole other variety of things because it was just all so delicious & wonderful. We wandered around the Broadmoor afterward & Lindsey decided pretty quickly that while her high heels looked fierce, they felt fierce too. I've learned that lesson several times myself. Not cool.
Suddenly my words want to center align while I am typing this & so I am just going to continue on writing. I hung out with Lindsey for the rest of the afternoon & after a splendid visit to Wal Mart & some wonderful supper at Cheddars, I had to deposit Lindsey back at USAFA. I wasn't too sad yet though because I knew I would see her one more time Monday morning. Little did I know. Oh how little did I know. Lindsey & I hung out together in Arnold Hall on Monday morning & then I was off to the airport - where I waited, waited, waited to board my flight for Dallas. The flight that was supposed to leave at 1:45 but I didn't board until 2:20. I then sat on the plane for 30 minutes because there was a lightning warning in Colorado Springs & they couldn't refuel the plane. Guess what happened after they got the plane refueled? They informed us that our plane had been delayed by about 3 hours because of storms in Dallas. We could get off the plane or stay on for the wait - it was up to us. Who would sit on an airplane for 3 hours if you didn't have to? Well - Lindsey might now that I think about it. Not me. I booked it back up that aisle & hopped off.
The adventure was just beginning from here. I got in the line to see if I could be rerouted through anothe airport but it was not meant to be. The lovely lady (and I mean that, not being sarcastic, promise) told me that I could hang out at the airport until the flight to Dallas left, but my flight from Dallas to Jackson was cancelled so I'd have to find a room & hope to get on a flight as stand-by on Tuesday. My other option was to stay in Colorado Springs for the night, fly out on Tuesday morning at 10:05 to Dallas & then leave from Dallas going to Jackson at 4:30. So - option one is to hang out in Dallas, alone & option two is to get to hang out with Lindsey some more? Ding! Ding! Ding! Can you guess what option I took? I got my new tickets, rented another car, booked another night at the Rampart Lodge & text Lindsey to tell her that I was headed back her way & what did she want for supper. I was stressed out & yet thrilled at the same time.
I got to spend another good 4 hours with Lindsey on Monday night - we ate supper together in Arnold Hall, went to her dorm room, did homework in Fairchild Hall (well, she did homework, I read about the Royal Wedding). It was great. Tuesday - well, it was just eh. My flight from Colorado Springs to Dallas was fine but oh Lordy gracious - don't even get me started on the flight from Dallas to Jackson. There couldn't have been more turbulence if the Lord had put the plane into a blender & then shook it as hard as he could. I had taken my Lorazepam & if I hadn't, it would have been all over. As it was, I was hanging on to that arm rest for all I was worth. An Idiot Abroad had lost all appeal to me & I could only hang on for dear life. I was so happy to see solid ground & my Momma. Oh - and the cupcake box from Gigi's.
I had one of the best times spending those days with Lindsey & I'd do it again in a heartbeat...or two. I am still recovering from the flight from Hades. Give me another week or two though & I'd be ready to go again. I love that kid so much it is mind-blowing & I can't wait to see her again, even if it means bouncing my way through the not so friendly skies to get there.

Well - yep. That's all for now. It's almost 4 which means that 5 is just an hour around the corner. I only had to work three days this week, but I am ready to go get some pizza, go home & watch Smallville. Oh yeah - I might have to do a Smallville post soon. That show has been on ten years & is amazing. And most of you could care less, but that's why this is my blog. :)